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Created September 1, 2021 19:28
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Example of using a Step Function to orchestrate a containerised Sagemaker processing job
"Processing": {
"Resource": "arn:aws:states:::sagemaker:createProcessingJob.sync",
"Parameters": {
"ProcessingResources": {
"ClusterConfig": {
"InstanceCount": 1,
"InstanceType": "ml.m5.large",
"VolumeSizeInGB": 10
"ProcessingInputs": [
"InputName": "input-1",
"S3Input": {
"S3Uri": "s3://some-bucket/input/stuff",
"LocalPath": "/opt/ml/processing/input",
"S3DataType": "S3Prefix",
"S3InputMode": "File",
"S3DataDistributionType": "FullyReplicated",
"S3CompressionType": "None"
"ProcessingOutputConfig": {
"Outputs": [
"OutputName": "output",
"S3Output": {
"S3Uri": "s3://some-bucket/output/",
"LocalPath": "/opt/ml/processing/output",
"S3UploadMode": "EndOfJob"
"AppSpecification": {
"ImageUri": "some-image-in-ecr"
"StoppingCondition": {
"MaxRuntimeInSeconds": 300
"RoleArn": "${role}",
"ProcessingJobName.$": "$$.Execution.Name"
"Type": "Task",
"End": true
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conzy commented Sep 1, 2021

This will make the data in the s3 key s3://some-bucket/input/stuff available on the container filesystem at /opt/ml/processing/input

No need to use boto to load the data or mess with mounts. You can write your output to /opt/ml/processing/output and it will be persisted to the s3 key s3://some-bucket/output/

This is a nice approach as the runtime code does not need to "know about" S3 at all.

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