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Last active June 19, 2019 09:42
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pessimistic test
package main
import (
_ ""
var (
addr = flag.String("addr", "", "tidb address")
concurrency = flag.Int("concurrency", 32, "concurrency")
loadData = flag.Bool("load-data", false, "load data before run")
tableSize = flag.Uint64("table-size", 400000, "table size")
ignoreO = flag.String("ignore-o", "9007,1105", "ignored error code for optimistic transaction, separated by comma")
ignoreP = flag.String("ignore-p", "1213", "ignored error code for pessimistic transaction, separated by comma")
mode = flag.String("mode", "mix", "transaction mode, mix|pessimistic|optimistic")
insertDelete = flag.Bool("insert-delete", false, "run insert delete transactions")
ignoreCodesO []int
ignoreCodesP []int
successTxn uint64
failTxn uint64
const numPartitions = 4
func main() {
parts := strings.Split(*ignoreP, ",")
for _, part := range parts {
iv, _ := strconv.Atoi(part)
ignoreCodesP = append(ignoreCodesP, iv)
parts = strings.Split(*ignoreO, ",")
for _, part := range parts {
iv, _ := strconv.Atoi(part)
ignoreCodesO = append(ignoreCodesO, iv)
db, err := sql.Open("mysql", "root:@tcp("+*addr+")/test")
if err != nil {
if *loadData {
err = LoadData(db, *tableSize)
if err != nil {
wg := new(sync.WaitGroup)
for i := 0; i < *concurrency; i++ {
se, err := NewSession(db, uint64(i), *tableSize, numPartitions)
if err != nil {
go se.Run(wg)
if !*insertDelete {
go checkLoop(db)
go statsLoop()
const batchSize = 100
func LoadData(db *sql.DB, maxSize uint64) error {
db.Exec("drop table if exists t")
db.Exec("create table t (id bigint primary key, u bigint unsigned unique, i bigint, c bigint, index i (i))")
for i := uint64(0); i < maxSize; i += batchSize {
_, err := db.Exec(insertSql(i))
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func insertSql(beginID uint64) string {
var values []string
for i := beginID; i < beginID+batchSize; i++ {
value := fmt.Sprintf("(%d, %d, %d, %d)", i, i, i, 0)
values = append(values, value)
return "insert t values " + strings.Join(values, ",")
type Session struct {
seID uint64
isPessimistic bool
conn *sql.Conn
stmts []func(ctx context.Context) error
ran *randIDGenerator
addedCount int
txnStart time.Time
commitStart time.Time
func NewSession(db *sql.DB, seID, maxSize uint64, numPartitions uint64) (*Session, error) {
ctx := context.Background()
con, err := db.Conn(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
se := &Session{
seID: seID,
conn: con,
ran: newRandIDGenerator(maxSize, numPartitions),
switch *mode {
case "pessimistic":
se.isPessimistic = true
case "mix":
se.isPessimistic = se.seID%2 == 1
se.stmts = append(se.stmts,
return se, nil
func (se *Session) runTransaction(parent context.Context) error {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(parent, time.Minute)
defer cancel()
beginSQL := "begin /*!90000 optimistic */"
if se.isPessimistic {
beginSQL = "begin /*!90000 pessimistic */"
_, err := se.conn.ExecContext(ctx, beginSQL)
if err != nil {
return err
numStmts := 1 + se.ran.uniform.Intn(5)
for i := 0; i < numStmts; i++ {
stmtType := se.ran.uniform.Intn(len(se.stmts))
f := se.stmts[stmtType]
err = f(ctx)
if err != nil {
se.handleError(ctx, err, false)
return nil
// Make sure the addedCount is subtracted
if se.addedCount > 0 {
err = se.executeDML(ctx, "update t set c = c - %d where id = %d", se.addedCount, se.ran.nextRowID())
if err != nil {
se.handleError(ctx, err, false)
return nil
se.commitStart = time.Now()
_, err = se.conn.ExecContext(ctx, "commit")
if err != nil {
se.handleError(ctx, err, true)
} else {
atomic.AddUint64(&successTxn, 1)
return nil
func (se *Session) runInsertDeleteTransaction(parent context.Context) error {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(parent, time.Minute)
defer cancel()
beginSQL := "begin /*!90000 optimistic */"
if se.isPessimistic {
beginSQL = "begin /*!90000 pessimistic */"
_, err := se.conn.ExecContext(ctx, beginSQL)
if err != nil {
return err
for i := 0; i < 4; i++ {
rowID := se.ran.nextRowID()
selectSQL := fmt.Sprintf("select c from t where id = %d for update", rowID)
row := se.conn.QueryRowContext(ctx, selectSQL)
var c int64
err = row.Scan(&c)
if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
insertSQL := fmt.Sprintf("insert t values (%d, %d, %d, 0)", rowID, rowID, rowID)
_, err = se.conn.ExecContext(ctx, insertSQL)
if err != nil {
if getErrorCode(err) != 1062 {
log.Println("insert err", err)
} else {
deleteSQL := fmt.Sprintf("delete from t where id = %d", rowID)
_, err = se.conn.ExecContext(ctx, deleteSQL)
if err != nil {
log.Println("delete err", err)
se.commitStart = time.Now()
_, err = se.conn.ExecContext(ctx, "commit")
if err != nil {
se.handleError(ctx, err, true)
} else {
atomic.AddUint64(&successTxn, 1)
return nil
func getErrorCode(err error) int {
var code int
_, err1 := fmt.Sscanf(err.Error(), "Error %d:", &code)
if err1 != nil {
return -1
return code
func (se *Session) handleError(ctx context.Context, err error, isCommit bool) {
atomic.AddUint64(&failTxn, 1)
_, _ = se.conn.ExecContext(ctx, "rollback")
code := getErrorCode(err)
ignoreCodes := ignoreCodesO
if se.isPessimistic {
ignoreCodes = ignoreCodesP
for _, ignoreCode := range ignoreCodes {
if ignoreCode == code {
txnMode := "optimistic"
if se.isPessimistic {
txnMode = "pessimistic"
if isCommit {
log.Println(txnMode, "txnDur", time.Since(se.txnStart), "commitDur", time.Since(se.commitStart), err)
} else {
log.Println(txnMode, se.isPessimistic, "txnDur", time.Since(se.txnStart), err)
func (se *Session) Run(wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
defer wg.Done()
ctx := context.Background()
runFunc := se.runTransaction
if *insertDelete {
runFunc = se.runInsertDeleteTransaction
for {
if err := runFunc(ctx); err != nil {
log.Println("begin error", err)
func (se *Session) deleteInsert(ctx context.Context) error {
rowID := se.ran.nextRowID()
row := se.conn.QueryRowContext(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("select c from t where id = %d for update", rowID))
var cnt int64
err := row.Scan(&cnt)
if err != nil {
return err
if err = se.executeDML(ctx, "delete from t where id = %d", rowID); err != nil {
return err
return se.executeDML(ctx, "insert t values (%d, %d, %d, %d)",
rowID, se.ran.nextUniqueIndex(), rowID, cnt+2)
func (se *Session) updateIndex(ctx context.Context) error {
return se.executeDML(ctx, "update t set i = i + 1, c = c + 1 where id in (%d, %d)", se.ran.nextRowID(), se.ran.nextRowID())
func (se *Session) updateNonIndex(ctx context.Context) error {
return se.executeDML(ctx, "update t set c = c + 1 where id in (%d, %d)", se.ran.nextRowID(), se.ran.nextRowID())
// updateUniqueIndex make sure there is no conflict on the unique index by randomly generate the unique index value
func (se *Session) updateUniqueIndex(ctx context.Context) error {
return se.executeDML(ctx, "update t set u = %d, c = c + 1 where id = %d",
se.ran.nextUniqueIndex(), se.ran.nextRowID())
func (se *Session) updateRange(ctx context.Context) error {
beginRowID := se.ran.nextRowID() + 2 // add 2 to avoid high conflict rate.
endRowID := beginRowID + 10
return se.executeDML(ctx, "update t set c = c + 1 where id between %d and %d", beginRowID, endRowID)
func (se *Session) updateIndexRange(ctx context.Context) error {
beginRowID := se.ran.nextRowID() + 2 // add 2 to avoid high conflict rate.
endRowID := beginRowID + 10
return se.executeDML(ctx, "update t set i = i + 1, c = c + 1 where id between %d and %d", beginRowID, endRowID)
func (se *Session) plainSelect(ctx context.Context) error {
beginRowID := se.ran.nextRowID()
endRowID := beginRowID + 10
return se.executeSelect(ctx, "select * from t where id between %d and %d", beginRowID, endRowID)
func (se *Session) selectForUpdate(ctx context.Context) error {
return se.executeSelect(ctx, "select * from t where id in (%d, %d) for update",
se.ran.nextRowID(), se.ran.nextRowID())
func (se *Session) executeDML(ctx context.Context, sqlFormat string, args ...interface{}) error {
sql := fmt.Sprintf(sqlFormat, args...)
res, err := se.conn.ExecContext(ctx, sql)
if err != nil {
return err
affected, err := res.RowsAffected()
if err != nil {
return err
if affected == 0 {
return errors.New("affected row is 0, " + sql)
se.addedCount += int(affected)
return nil
func (se *Session) executeSelect(ctx context.Context, sqlFormat string, args ...interface{}) error {
sql := fmt.Sprintf(sqlFormat, args...)
rows, err := se.conn.QueryContext(ctx, sql)
if err != nil {
return err
for rows.Next() {
if rows.Err() != nil {
return rows.Err()
return rows.Close()
func (se *Session) executeCommit(ctx context.Context) error {
_, err := se.conn.ExecContext(ctx, "commit")
return err
func (se *Session) reset() {
se.ran.allocated = map[uint64]struct{}{}
se.addedCount = 0
se.txnStart = time.Now()
// randIDGenerator generates random ID that combines round-robin and zipf distribution and make sure not duplicated.
type randIDGenerator struct {
allocated map[uint64]struct{}
zipf *rand.Zipf
uniform *rand.Rand
max uint64
partitionSize uint64
numPartitions uint64
partitionIdx uint64
func (r *randIDGenerator) nextRowID() uint64 {
r.partitionIdx = (r.partitionIdx + 1) % r.numPartitions
for {
v := r.zipf.Uint64() + r.partitionIdx*r.partitionSize
if _, ok := r.allocated[v]; ok {
r.allocated[v] = struct{}{}
return v
func (r *randIDGenerator) reset() {
r.allocated = map[uint64]struct{}{}
func (r *randIDGenerator) nextNumStatements(n int) int {
return r.uniform.Intn(n)
func (r *randIDGenerator) nextUniqueIndex() uint64 {
return r.uniform.Uint64()
func newRandIDGenerator(maxSize uint64, numPartitions uint64) *randIDGenerator {
partitionSize := maxSize / numPartitions
src := rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano())
ran := rand.New(src)
zipf := rand.NewZipf(ran, 1.01, 1, partitionSize-1)
return &randIDGenerator{
allocated: map[uint64]struct{}{},
zipf: zipf,
uniform: ran,
max: maxSize,
partitionSize: maxSize / numPartitions,
numPartitions: numPartitions,
func statsLoop() {
ticker := time.NewTicker(time.Second * 10)
lastSuccess := uint64(0)
lastFail := uint64(0)
for {
curSuccess := atomic.LoadUint64(&successTxn)
curFail := atomic.LoadUint64(&failTxn)
log.Printf("tps(success:%v fail:%v)\n", float64(curSuccess-lastSuccess)/10, float64(curFail-lastFail)/10)
lastSuccess = curSuccess
lastFail = curFail
func checkLoop(db *sql.DB) {
ctx := context.Background()
conn, err := db.Conn(ctx)
if err != nil {
ticker := time.NewTicker(time.Second * 30)
for {
checkCount(conn, "select sum(c) from t", 0)
checkCount(conn, "select count(*) from t use index (i)", int64(*tableSize))
checkCount(conn, "select count(*) from t use index (u)", int64(*tableSize))
func checkCount(conn *sql.Conn, sql string, expected int64) {
row := conn.QueryRowContext(context.Background(), sql)
var c int64
if err := row.Scan(&c); err != nil {
log.Println("check", sql, err)
} else {
if c != expected {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("data inconsistency, %s is %d, expecte %d", sql, c, expected))
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