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Last active October 11, 2017 23:46
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writer monad example
module Bar
) where
import System.IO
import System.Environment
import Control.Monad
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List
import Control.Monad.Writer
import Data.Functor.Identity
import Data.Char
import System.IO
import System.Environment
import Control.Monad
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List
import Control.Monad.Writer
-- this is the definition of our simple packet format
data Data = AnyData | Data String deriving (Show,Read)
data Addr = AnyHost | Host Int deriving (Show,Read)
data Packet = Packet
{ from::Addr
, to::Addr
, payload::Data
} deriving (Eq,Show,Read)
-- these Eq definitions allow for pattern matching
instance Eq Data where
AnyData == _ = True
_ == AnyData = True
(Data s1) == (Data s2) = s1 == s2
instance Eq Addr where
AnyHost == _ = True
_ == AnyHost = True
(Host h1) == (Host h2) = h1 == h2
-- this is the format of our rules
data Disposition = Accept | Reject deriving (Eq,Show,Read)
data Rule = Rule {disposition::Disposition, pattern::Packet, logIt::Bool} deriving (Eq,Show,Read)
-- match a packet against a single rule
matchPacket :: Packet -> Rule -> Maybe Rule
matchPacket packet rule =
if pattern rule == packet
then Just rule
else Nothing
-- match a packet against a list of rules
-- acc 初始值是 Nothing
-- 傳入的一包資料是 (map (matchPacket packet) rules) 計算的結果
match :: [Rule] -> Packet -> Maybe Rule
match rules packet = foldl mplus Nothing (map (matchPacket packet) rules)
-- this is the format of our log entries
-- 注意 type 與 value constructor 名稱不一樣
data Entry = Log { count::Int, msg::String } deriving Eq
instance Show Entry where
show (Log 1 s) = s
show (Log n s) = (show n) ++ " X " ++ s
-- add a message to the log
-- Entry 是 type ctor 名稱,後面用的 Log 是 value ctor 名稱
logMsg :: String -> Writer [Entry] ()
logMsg s = tell [Log 1 s] -- log 是以 [] 形式儲存,顯然 count 會累加
-- merge identical entries at the end of the log
-- This function uses [Entry] as both the log type and the result type.
-- When two identical messages are merged, the result is just the message
-- with an incremented count. When two different messages are merged,
-- the first message is logged and the second is returned as the result.
mergeEntries :: [Entry] -> [Entry] -> Writer [Entry] [Entry]
mergeEntries [] x = return x
mergeEntries x [] = return x
mergeEntries [e1] [e2] = let (Log n msg) = e1
(Log n' msg') = e2
in if msg == msg' then
return [(Log (n+n') msg)]
do tell [e1] -- tell 是 Writer 指令,返還 Writer monad,但內藏 e1 log 訊息
return [e2] -- return 是 Monad 指令,返還空的 Monad
-- this handles one packet
filterOne :: [Rule] -> Packet -> Writer [Entry] (Maybe Packet)
filterOne rules packet = do rule <- return (match rules packet)
case rule of
Nothing -> do logMsg ("DROPPING UNMATCHED PACKET: " ++ (show packet))
return Nothing
(Just r) -> do when (logIt r) (logMsg ("MATCH: " ++ (show r) ++ " <=> " ++ (show packet)))
case r of
(Rule Accept _ _) -> return (Just packet)
(Rule Reject _ _) -> return Nothing
-- This is a complex-looking function but it is actually pretty simple.
-- It maps a function over a list of values to get a list of Writers,
-- then runs each writer and combines the results. The result of the function
-- is a writer whose value is a list of all the values from the writers and whose
-- log output is the result of folding the merge operator into the individual
-- log entries (using 'initial' as the initial log value).
groupSame :: (Monoid a) => a -> (a -> a -> Writer a a) -> [b] -> (b -> Writer a c) -> Writer a [c]
groupSame initial merge [] _ = do tell initial
return []
groupSame initial merge (x:xs) fn = do (result,output) <- return (runWriter (fn x))
new <- merge initial output
rest <- groupSame new merge xs fn
return (result:rest)
-- this filters a list of packets, producing a filtered packet list and a log of
-- the activity in which consecutive messages are merged
filterAll :: [Rule] -> [Packet] -> Writer [Entry] [Packet]
filterAll rules packets = do tell [Log 1 "STARTING PACKET FILTER"]
out <- groupSame [] mergeEntries packets (filterOne rules)
return (catMaybes out)
-- read the rule data from the file named in the first argument, and the packet data from
-- the file named in the second argument, and then print the accepted packets followed by
-- a log generated during the computation.
main :: IO ()
main = do
args <- getArgs
ruleData <- readFile (args!!0)
packetData <- readFile (args!!1)
let rules = (read ruleData)::[Rule]
packets = (read packetData)::[Packet]
(out,log) = runWriter (filterAll rules packets)
putStr (unlines (map show out))
putStrLn "\n\nFIREWALL LOG"
putStr (unlines (map show log))
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