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Created March 5, 2012 17:39
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A module pattern for CommonJS / NodeJS and Browser / Pakmanager / RequireJS
(function (exports) {
"use strict";
exports.Foo = 'Bar';
}('undefined' !== typeof exports && exports || new Function('return this')()));
// Note: A common mistake in this pattern is to assume that `this` is the global `window`,
// but even when running in a non-strict context `this` will not be `window` when using a
// browser package manager.
// Note: This won't pass JSLint due to the implicit global `exports`, however, it will work
// even if the parent context is in strict mode also
// Note: `global.module !== module` in NodeJS or in Browser package managers
(function () {
"use strict";
var window = new Function('return this;')()
// Note: To effectively use this pattern you must nest the namespace of your module an additional level.
// So always do this:
// exports.ModuleName = function ModuleName() {};
// exports.ModuleName.doCoolThing = doCoolThing();
// But never do this:
// exports.doCoolThing = doCoolThing();
// Otherwise you'll run into browser namespace conflicts rather quickly
(function () {
"use strict";
var Foo = require('./foo').Foo
// Note: This pattern also works in browser package managers that understand file inclusion, such as Pakmanager
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