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Created August 18, 2019 09:49
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CSS helper
#' Create a CSS ruleset
#' Create a CSS ruleset consisting of a selector and one-or-more property declarations,
#' or, if no \code{.selector} is given, create an inline style string
#' The list of included properties is not a complete list, but rather an
#' abbreviated list from
#' \url{}
#' The caller is not limited to these included properties, and any named arguments
#' to this function will be interpreted as a CSS parameter/value pair.
#' For convenience, any underscores in the names will be replaced by dashes. This
#' is because no sane CSS attributes are named with an underscore, but names
#' with dashes are clunky to write in R.
#' @param .selector CSS selector to which this style applies
#' @param background,background_attachment,background_color,background_image,background_position,background_repeat,border,border_bottom,border_bottom_color,border_bottom_style,border_bottom_width,border_color,border_left,border_left_color,border_left_style,border_left_width,border_right,border_right_color,border_right_style,border_right_width,border_style,border_top,border_top_color,border_top_style,border_top_width,border_width,clear,clip,cursor,display,filter,float,font,font_family,font_size,font_variant,font_weight,height,left,letter_spacing,line_height,list_style,list_style_image,list_style_position,list_style_type,margin,margin_bottom,margin_left,margin_right,margin_top,overflow,padding,padding_bottom,padding_left,padding_right,padding_top,page_break_after,page_break_before,position,stroke_dasharray,stroke_dashoffset,stroke_width,text_align,text_decoration,text_indent,text_transform,top,vertical_align,visibility,width,z_index,alignment_baseline,baseline_shift,clip_path,clip_rule,color,color_interpolation,color_interpolation_filters,color_profile,color_rendering,direction,dominant_baseline,enable_background,fill,fill_opacity,fill_rule,flood_color,flood_opacity,font_size_adjust,font_stretch,font_style,glyph_orientation_vertical,image_rendering,kerning,lighting_color,marker,marker_end,marker_mid,marker_start,mask,opacity,pointer_events,shape_rendering,stop_color,stop_opacity,stroke,stroke_linecap,stroke_linejoin,stroke_miterlimit,stroke_opacity,text_anchor,text_rendering,unicode_bidi,word_spacing,writing_mode named parameters (included to help when using auto-complete)
#' @param ... other named parameters
#' @return single character string of a CSS ruleset e.g. ".thing {fill: black;}"
#' @export
css <- function(
.selector = NULL,
background, background_attachment, background_color, background_image, background_position, background_repeat, border, border_bottom, border_bottom_color, border_bottom_style, border_bottom_width, border_color, border_left, border_left_color, border_left_style, border_left_width, border_right, border_right_color, border_right_style, border_right_width, border_style, border_top, border_top_color, border_top_style, border_top_width, border_width, clear, clip, color, cursor, display, filter, float, font, font_family, font_size, font_variant, font_weight, height, left, letter_spacing, line_height, list_style, list_style_image, list_style_position, list_style_type, margin, margin_bottom, margin_left, margin_right, margin_top, overflow, padding, padding_bottom, padding_left, padding_right, padding_top, page_break_after, page_break_before, position, stroke_dasharray, stroke_dashoffset, stroke_width, text_align, text_decoration, text_indent, text_transform, top, vertical_align, visibility, width, z_index,
alignment_baseline, baseline_shift,
clip_path, clip_rule,
color_interpolation, color_interpolation_filters, color_profile, color_rendering,
fill, fill_opacity, fill_rule,
font_size_adjust, font_stretch, font_style,
glyph_orientation_vertical, image_rendering, kerning,
marker, marker_end, marker_mid, marker_start,
stop_color, stop_opacity,
stroke, stroke_linecap, stroke_linejoin, stroke_miterlimit, stroke_opacity,
text_anchor, text_rendering, unicode_bidi,
word_spacing, writing_mode
) {
# A small wrapper aruond a paste to produce "x=1;y=2;" css style strings.
# This is partly done this way because a '' function doesn't
# evaluate the call arguments.
mypaste <- function(...) {
varargs <- list(...)
varargs[['.selector']] <- NULL
attr_names <- names(varargs)
if (is.null(attr_names) || any(attr_names == '') || any( {
stop("css(): All args must be named: ", deparse(varargs))
attr_names <- gsub('colour', 'color', attr_names)
attr_names <- gsub("_", "-", attr_names)
style_strings <- c()
if (is.null(.selector)) {
spacer <- ''
collapse <- "; "
} else {
spacer <- ' '
collapse <- ";\n"
for (i in seq_along(attr_names)) {
attr_name <- attr_names[i]
value <- varargs[[i]]
this_string <- paste0(spacer, attr_name, ": ", value)
style_strings <- c(style_strings, this_string)
style_string <- paste(style_strings, collapse = collapse)
if (nchar(style_string) == 0) {
} else {
paste0(style_string, ";")
# Rewrite the call to this function as a shorter call to the 'paste()' wrapper
new_call <-
new_call[[1]] <-'mypaste')
res <- eval(new_call)
if (is.null(.selector)) {
} else {
paste0(.selector, " {\n", res, "\n}")
if (FALSE) {
css(".greg", fill_opacity = 0.3, colour = "red", fill = 'black')
css(fill_opacity = 0.3, colour = "red", fill = 'black')
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