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Last active June 6, 2020 04:09
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ceramic test
# Define the extents of the image
roi <- raster::extent(110, 160, -45, -12)
# Grab the satellite image and the elevation map
im <- ceramic::cc_location(roi)
el <- ceramic::cc_elevation(roi)
# Extract the raw image data
imdata <- im@data@values
imdata <- array(as.vector(imdata), dim = c(im@ncols, im@nrows, 3))
imdata <- aperm(imdata, c(2, 1, 3))
imdata <- imdata/255
# Extract the raw elevation data into
el2 <- el
# el2 <- raster::resample(el2, im) # results in some NA values
# el2 <- raster::aggregate(el2, 2) # doesn't result in an exact size match with 'im'
# res(el2) <- res(im) # results in all NA values. Still not an exact size match
# dim(el2) <- dim(im)[1:2] # results in all NAs
eldata <- matrix(el2@data@values, nrow = el2@ncols, ncol = el2@nrows)
eldata <- t(eldata)
# These two data objects are different sizes!
# The elevation data, is almost but now quite 2x the
# resolution of the image data. What's the best way to align their dimensions?
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