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Created September 8, 2020 04:32
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mouse callbacks in rgl
pan3d <- function(button, dev = rgl.cur(), subscene = currentSubscene3d(dev)) {
start <- list()
begin <- function(x, y) {
activeSubscene <- par3d("activeSubscene", dev = dev)
start$listeners <<- par3d("listeners", dev = dev, subscene = activeSubscene)
for (sub in start$listeners) {
init <- par3d(c("userProjection","viewport"), dev = dev, subscene = sub)
init$pos <- c(x/init$viewport[3], 1 - y/init$viewport[4], 0.5)
start[[as.character(sub)]] <<- init
update <- function(x, y) {
for (sub in start$listeners) {
init <- start[[as.character(sub)]]
xlat <- 2*(c(x/init$viewport[3], 1 - y/init$viewport[4], 0.5) - init$pos)
mouseMatrix <- translationMatrix(xlat[1], xlat[2], xlat[3])
par3d(userProjection = mouseMatrix %*% init$userProjection, dev = dev, subscene = sub )
rgl.setMouseCallbacks(button, begin, update, dev = dev, subscene = subscene)
cat("Callbacks set on button", button, "of rgl device", dev, "in subscene", subscene, "\n")
# shade3d(icosahedron3d(), col = "yellow")
# pan3d(2)
# Support functions for mouseTrackball
#' Code from rgl/demo/mouseCallbacks.R
vlen <- function(a) {
angle <- function(a,b) {
dot <- sum(a*b)
xprod <- function(a, b) {
a[2]*b[3] - a[3]*b[2],
a[3]*b[1] - a[1]*b[3],
a[1]*b[2] - a[2]*b[1]
#' set the mouse as a trackball
#' Code adapted from rgl/demo/mouseCallbacks.R
#' @param button which button does this apply to?
#' @param dev which device does this apply to?
mouseTrackball <- function(button = 1, dev = rgl.cur() ) {
width <- height <- rotBase <- NULL
userMatrix <- list()
cur <- rgl.cur()
x0 <- NULL
y0 <- NULL
screenToVector <- function(x, y) {
radius <- max(width, height)/2
# centre <- c(width, height)/2
centre <- c(x0, y0)
pt <- (c(x, y) - centre)/radius
len <- vlen(pt)
if (len > 1.e-6) {
pt <- pt/len
maxlen <- sqrt(2)
angle <- (maxlen - len)/maxlen*pi/2
z <- sin(angle)
len <- sqrt(1 - z^2)
pt <- pt * len
res <- c(pt, z)
trackballBegin <- function(x, y) {
# Save start point
x0 <<- x
y0 <<- y
vp <- par3d("viewport")
width <<- vp[3]
height <<- vp[4]
cur <<- rgl.cur()
for (i in dev) {
if (inherits(try(rgl.set(i, TRUE)), "try-error")) dev <<- dev[dev != i]
else userMatrix[[i]] <<- par3d("userMatrix")
rgl.set(cur, TRUE)
rotBase <<- screenToVector(x, height - y)
trackballUpdate <- function(x,y) {
cat(x, ",", y, " ", sep='')
rotCurrent <- screenToVector(x, height - y)
angle <- angle(rotBase, rotCurrent)
axis <- xprod(rotBase, rotCurrent)
t_matrix <- translationMatrix(-x0, -y0, 0)
rot_matrix <- rotationMatrix(angle, axis[1], axis[2], axis[3])
t2_matrix <- translationMatrix(x0, y0, 0)
mouseMatrix <- t2_matrix %*% rot_matrix %*% t_matrix
for (i in dev) {
if (inherits(try(rgl.set(i, TRUE)), "try-error")) dev <<- dev[dev != i]
else par3d(userMatrix = mouseMatrix %*% userMatrix[[i]])
rgl.set(cur, TRUE)
for (i in dev) {
rgl.set(i, TRUE)
rgl.setMouseCallbacks(button, begin = trackballBegin, update = trackballUpdate, end = NULL,
dev = dev)
rgl.set(cur, TRUE)
shade3d(icosahedron3d(), col = "yellow")
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