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Last active May 12, 2020 10:58
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#' Create a list with a default value
#' This behaves exactly like a 'list()' object, except if the requested value
#' does not exist, a default value is returned (instead of NULL).
#' Similar to a `defaultdict` in Python
#' @param value default value to return if item not in list
#' @return new `defaultlist` object
defaultlist <- function(value) {
structure(list(), class = 'defaultlist', value = value)
# Fetch value from defaultlist
`[[.defaultlist` <- `$.defaultlist` <- function(x, y) {
res <- unclass(x)[[y]]
if (is.null(res)) attr(x, 'value') else res
# Print like a list
print.defaultlist <- function(x, ...) {
attr(x, 'value') <- NULL
attr(x, 'class') <- NULL
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