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Created March 27, 2014 15:11
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Hubot に権限管理機能を追加し, より安全に使用する ref:
# Description:
# Auth allows you to assign roles to users which can be used by other scripts
# to restrict access to Hubot commands
# Dependencies:
# None
# Configuration:
# HUBOT_AUTH_ADMIN - A comma separate list of user IDs
# HUBOT_AUTH_ROOM - A comma separate list of room IDs
# Commands:
# hubot <user id> has <role> role - Assigns a role to a user
# hubot <user id> doesn't have <role> role - Removes a role from a user
# hubot what role does <user id> have - Find out what roles are assigned to a specific user
# hubot who has admin role - Find out who's an admin and can assign roles
# Notes:
# * Call the method: robot.auth.validUser(msg, '<role>')
# * returns bool true or false
# * the 'admin' role can only be assigned through the environment variable
# * roles are all transformed to lower case
# Author:
# IKUTA Masahito
module.exports = (robot) ->
admin = process.env.HUBOT_AUTH_ADMIN or ''
room = process.env.HUBOT_AUTH_ROOM or ''
class Auth
validUser: (msg, role) ->
user = msg.message.user
unless @inRoom(user)
msg.reply "Can not execute in this room."
return false
unless @hasRole(user, role)
msg.reply "#{} has not the '#{role}' role."
return false
return true
hasRole: (user, role) ->
if @hasAdminRole(
return true
unless user.roles?
return false
return role in user.roles
hasAdminRole: (id) ->
return id.toString() in admin.toLowerCase().split(',')
inRoom: (user) ->
return == room
robot.auth = new Auth
validParams = (msg, id, role) ->
if not validIDParam(msg, id)
return false
if not validRoleParam(msg, role)
return false
return true
validIDParam = (msg, id) ->
if isNaN(id)
msg.reply "ID is not integer."
return false
user = robot.brain.userForId(id)
unless user?
msg.reply "#{id} does not exist"
return false
if robot.auth.hasAdminRole(id)
msg.reply "ID have admin role."
return false
return true
validRoleParam = (msg, role) ->
if role == 'admin'
msg.reply "Sorry, the 'admin' role can only be defined in the HUBOT_AUTH_ADMIN env variable."
return false
return true
robot.respond /auth help$/i, (msg) ->
msg.reply '''
<user id> has <role> role - Assigns a role to a user
<user id> doesn't have <role> role - Removes a role from a user
what role does <user id> have - Find out what roles are assigned to a specific user
who has admin role - Find out who's an admin and can assign roles
robot.respond /@?(.+) (has) (["'\w: -_]+) (role)/i, (msg) ->
unless robot.auth.validUser(msg, 'auth')
name = msg.match[1].trim()
newRole = msg.match[3].trim().toLowerCase()
if name == 'who' and newRole == 'admin'
msg.reply "The following people have the 'admin' role: #{admin.split(',')}"
id = parseInt(name)
if not validParams(msg, id, newRole)
user = robot.brain.userForId(id)
user.roles = user.roles or []
if newRole in user.roles
msg.reply "#{} already has the '#{newRole}' role."
msg.reply "Ok, #{} has the '#{newRole}' role."
robot.respond /@?(.+) (doesn't have|does not have) (["'\w: -_]+) (role)/i, (msg) ->
unless robot.auth.validUser(msg, 'auth')
id = parseInt(msg.match[1].trim())
newRole = msg.match[3].trim().toLowerCase()
if not validParams(msg, id, newRole)
user = robot.brain.userForId(id)
user.roles = (role for role in user.roles when role isnt newRole)
msg.reply "Ok, #{} doesn't have the '#{newRole}' role."
robot.respond /(what role does|what roles does) @?(.+) (have)\?*$/i, (msg) ->
id = parseInt(msg.match[2].trim())
if not validIDParam(msg, id)
user = robot.brain.userForId(id)
user.roles = user.roles or []
if robot.auth.hasAdminRole(id)
isAdmin = ' and is also an admin'
isAdmin = ''
msg.reply "#{} has the following roles: " + user.roles + isAdmin + "."
Hubot> hubot who am i
Name: Shell
ID: 1
Room: Shell
Hubot> hubot 2 has fabric role
Hubot> hubot 2 has trello role
Hubot> hubot what role does 2 have
Hubot> 2 has the following roles: trello,fabric.
npm install
export PATH="node_modules/.bin:node_modules/hubot/node_modules/.bin:$PATH"
export HUBOT_LOG_LEVEL="debug"
export HUBOT_AUTH_ROOM="Shell"
exec node_modules/.bin/hubot "$@"
# Description:
# Hubot always has a snappy comeback.
# Dependencies:
# None
# Configuration:
# None
# Commands:
# hubot who am i - Display your name, id and room name.
# Notes:
# None
# Author:
# IKUTA Masahito
module.exports = (robot) ->
robot.respond /who am i$/i, (msg) ->
user = msg.message.user
msg.reply """
Name: #{}
ID: #{}
Room: #{}
# ..snip..
module.exports = (robot) ->
robot.respond /trello (.*)$/i, (msg) ->
unless robot.auth.validUser(msg, 'trello')
# ..snip..
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