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Last active July 7, 2022 19:47
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import Foundation
import PlaygroundSupport
PlaygroundPage.current.needsIndefiniteExecution = true
// 1
struct User: Equatable {
// 2
struct Address: Equatable {
var street: String
struct Phone: Equatable {
var number: String = "+7"
// 3
enum Role {
// 4
enum Permission {
case create
case read
case update
case delete
case admin
case member
case guest
var permissions: [Permission] {
switch self {
case .admin:
return [.create, .read, .update, .delete]
case .member:
return [.create, .read]
case .guest:
return [.read]
var name: String
let email: String
var address: Address?
var phone: Phone = .init()
let role: Role
struct Reducer<State, Action> {
let reduce: (State, Action) -> State
final class Store<State: Equatable, Action> {
private var stateGetter: (() -> State)!
private var stateSetter: ((State) -> Void)!
var state: State {
get { stateGetter() }
set { stateSetter(newValue) }
var _state: State! {
didSet {
listners.forEach { listner in
let reducer: Reducer<State, Action>
var listners: [() -> Void] = []
func addListener(_ listener: @escaping () -> Void) {
state: State,
reducer: Reducer<State, Action>
) {
self.reducer = reducer
self._state = state
self.stateGetter = { [unowned self] in
return self._state
self.stateSetter = { [unowned self] state in
self._state = state
private init(
stateSetter: @escaping (State) -> Void,
stateGetter: @escaping () -> State,
reducer: Reducer<State, Action>
) {
self.stateSetter = stateSetter
self.stateGetter = stateGetter
self.reducer = reducer
func dispatch(_ action: Action) {
state = reducer.reduce(state, action)
func createChildStore<ChildState, ChildAction>(
keyPath: WritableKeyPath<State, ChildState>,
reducer: Reducer<ChildState, ChildAction>
) -> Store<ChildState, ChildAction> {
let s = Store<ChildState, ChildAction>(
stateSetter: { self.state[keyPath: keyPath] = $0 },
stateGetter: { self.state[keyPath: keyPath] },
reducer: reducer
addListener({ [weak s] in
guard let s = s else { return }
s.listners.forEach { listner in
return s
let subReducer = Reducer<Optional<User.Address>, String>(reduce: { state, action in
if var state = state {
state.street += ", " + action + "sub"
return state
} else {
return .init(street: "initial " + action)
let reducer: Reducer<User, Int> = Reducer(
reduce: { state, action in
var state = state += "\(action)"
return state
let store = Store<User, Int>(
state: User(
name: "",
email: "",
address: nil,
role: .guest
reducer: reducer
var aaa = Date().timeIntervalSince1970
let initialAAA = aaa
print(Date().timeIntervalSince1970 - aaa, "Baseline")
aaa = Date().timeIntervalSince1970
let stores = Array(0...1000).map { _ -> Store<Optional<User.Address>, String> in
let subStore = store.createChildStore(keyPath: \.address, reducer: subReducer)
return subStore
print(Date().timeIntervalSince1970 - aaa, "createChildStore")
aaa = Date().timeIntervalSince1970
var updateCount = 0
stores.first?.listners.append {
updateCount += 1
print(Date().timeIntervalSince1970 - aaa, "updateCount")
aaa = Date().timeIntervalSince1970
Array(0...2).forEach { index in
print(Date().timeIntervalSince1970 - aaa, "stores.first dispatch 3")
aaa = Date().timeIntervalSince1970
Array(0...100).forEach { index in
print(Date().timeIntervalSince1970 - aaa, "stores.last dispatch 101 (* 1000)")
if Date().timeIntervalSince1970 - aaa > 1 {
print("TOO MUCH")
aaa = Date().timeIntervalSince1970
print(Date().timeIntervalSince1970 - aaa, "stores.last dispatch final")
aaa = Date().timeIntervalSince1970
print(Date().timeIntervalSince1970 - aaa, "rootStore dispatch 1,2,3,4")
aaa = Date().timeIntervalSince1970
print(Date().timeIntervalSince1970 - aaa, "stores.last dispatch 123")
aaa = Date().timeIntervalSince1970
print(store.state.address?.street ?? "null")
print("IS SUBSTORES EQUAL: ", stores.first!.state?.street ?? "null" == stores.last!.state?.street ?? "null")
print("IS SUB & STORE EQUAL: ", stores.last!.state?.street ?? "null" == store.state.address?.street ?? "null")
print(Date().timeIntervalSince1970 - initialAAA, "final")
print("Update count:", updateCount)
print("IS UPDATE COUNT 110?", updateCount == 110 ? "TRUE" : "FALSE")
// 0.0002391338348388672 Baseline
// 1.5412371158599854 createChildStore
// 0.000701904296875 updateCount
// 0.027843952178955078 stores.first dispatch 3
// 0.9228630065917969 stores.last dispatch 101 (* 1000)
// 0.009496927261352539 stores.last dispatch final
// 0.04581594467163086 rootStore dispatch 1,2,3,4
// 0.009209156036376953 stores.last dispatch 123
// 1234
// initial 0, 1sub, 2sub, 0sub, 1sub, 2sub, 3sub, 4sub, 5sub, 6sub, 7sub, 8sub, 9sub, 10sub, 11sub, 12sub, 13sub, 14sub, 15sub, 16sub, 17sub, 18sub, 19sub, 20sub, 21sub, 22sub, 23sub, 24sub, 25sub, 26sub, 27sub, 28sub, 29sub, 30sub, 31sub, 32sub, 33sub, 34sub, 35sub, 36sub, 37sub, 38sub, 39sub, 40sub, 41sub, 42sub, 43sub, 44sub, 45sub, 46sub, 47sub, 48sub, 49sub, 50sub, 51sub, 52sub, 53sub, 54sub, 55sub, 56sub, 57sub, 58sub, 59sub, 60sub, 61sub, 62sub, 63sub, 64sub, 65sub, 66sub, 67sub, 68sub, 69sub, 70sub, 71sub, 72sub, 73sub, 74sub, 75sub, 76sub, 77sub, 78sub, 79sub, 80sub, 81sub, 82sub, 83sub, 84sub, 85sub, 86sub, 87sub, 88sub, 89sub, 90sub, 91sub, 92sub, 93sub, 94sub, 95sub, 96sub, 97sub, 98sub, 99sub, 100sub, finalsub, 123sub
// 2.5582311153411865 final
// Update count: 110
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