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Last active January 21, 2023 10:18
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For selecting only a few number of classes from PASCAL VOC for training in Tensorflow. ( Please refer the code thoroughly :) )
# Fill in the classes you want to retain
classesINeed = ['none', 'car']
# Define the relevant directories
xmlDirectory = '/home/ajmal/data/VOCdevkit/VOC2012/Annotations/'
modifiedXmlDir = '/home/ajmal/data/VOCdevkit/VOC2012/newAnnotations/'
JPEGdirectory = '/home/ajmal/data/VOCdevkit/VOC2012/JPEGImages/'
modifiedJPEGdir = '/home/ajmal/data/VOCdevkit/VOC2012/newJPEGImages/'
listFile = '/home/ajmal/data/VOCdevkit/VOC2012/trainval.txt'
labelMap = '/home/ajmal/data/VOCdevkit/VOC2012/labelmap_voc.prototxt'
listfile = open(listFile, 'w')
labelmap = open(labelMap, 'w')
import os
from shutil import copyfile
from os.path import isfile, join
# Get all the xml files into list
onlyfiles = [f for f in os.listdir(xmlDirectory) if isfile(join(xmlDirectory,f))]
# For saving the class - file dictionary
fileDict = {}
i = 0
# for limiting number of images
imgnum = 0
for claz in classesINeed:
fileDict[claz] = []
# generate labelmap file
labelmap.write('item {\n name: "' + claz + '"\n label: ' + str(i) + '\n display_name: "' + claz + '"\n}\n')
i += 1
# Parse each XML file
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
for filename in onlyfiles:
filelink = join(xmlDirectory,filename)
tree = ET.parse (filelink)
root = tree.getroot()
objs = root.findall('object')
objNum = 0
for obj in objs:
objNum += 1
currentObj = obj.find('name').text
if currentObj not in classesINeed:
objNum -= 1
if objNum == 0 :
continue # drop the file, there are no objects of 'interest '
else : # write to the file as xml to the new folder
fwrite = open(modifiedXmlDir + filename , 'w')
# copy the corresponding JPEG to modifiedJPEGDIr
copyfile(JPEGdirectory + filename[:-3] + 'jpg' , modifiedJPEGdir + filename[:-3] + 'jpg')
imgnum += 1
# make entry in the list file required for LMDB
listfile.write('VOC2012/newJPEGImages/' + filename[:-3] + 'jpg' + ' VOC2012/newAnnotations/' + filename + '\n')
# Take only 101 images to train
if imgnum == 101 :
#print "found "+ str(objNum ) + " object(s) in " + filename[:-3]
print len(fileDict['car'])
# Fill in the classes you want to retain
classesINeed = ['none', 'car']
# Define the relevant directories
xmlDirectory = '/home/ajmal/data/VOCdevkit/VOC2007/Annotations/'
modifiedXmlDir = '/home/ajmal/data/VOCdevkit/VOC2007/newAnnotations/'
JPEGdirectory = '/home/ajmal/data/VOCdevkit/VOC2007/JPEGImages/'
modifiedJPEGdir = '/home/ajmal/data/VOCdevkit/VOC2007/newJPEGImages/'
listFile = '/home/ajmal/data/VOCdevkit/VOC2007/test.txt'
labelMap = '/home/ajmal/data/VOCdevkit/VOC2007/labelmap_voc.prototxt'
listfile = open(listFile, 'w')
labelmap = open(labelMap, 'w')
import os
from shutil import copyfile
from os.path import isfile, join
# Get all the xml files into list
onlyfiles = [f for f in os.listdir(xmlDirectory) if isfile(join(xmlDirectory,f))]
# For saving the class - file dictionary
fileDict = {}
i = 0
# for limiting number of images
imgnum = 0
for claz in classesINeed:
fileDict[claz] = []
# generate labelmap file
labelmap.write('item {\n name: "' + claz + '"\n label: ' + str(i) + '\n display_name: "' + claz + '"\n}\n')
i += 1
# Parse each XML file
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
for filename in onlyfiles:
filelink = join(xmlDirectory,filename)
tree = ET.parse (filelink)
root = tree.getroot()
objs = root.findall('object')
objNum = 0
for obj in objs:
objNum += 1
currentObj = obj.find('name').text
if currentObj not in classesINeed:
objNum -= 1
if objNum == 0 :
continue # drop the file, there are no objects of 'interest '
else : # write to the file as xml to the new folder
fwrite = open(modifiedXmlDir + filename , 'w')
# copy the corresponding JPEG to modifiedJPEGDIr
copyfile(JPEGdirectory + filename[:-3] + 'jpg' , modifiedJPEGdir + filename[:-3] + 'jpg')
imgnum += 1
# make entry in the list file required for LMDB
listfile.write('VOC2007/newJPEGImages/' + filename[:-3] + 'jpg' + ' VOC2007/newAnnotations/' + filename + '\n')
# Take only 21 images to test
if imgnum == 21 :
#print "found "+ str(objNum ) + " object(s) in " + filename[:-3]
print len(fileDict['car'])
run in terminal, in caffe root , for generating filesizelist
./build/tools/get_image_size /home/ajmal/data/VOCdevkit/ data/VOC0712/test.txt data/VOC0712/test_name_size.txt
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Change imag NUM value

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Reading this code I wrote several years back, I realise the whole thing is put together in a hacky way. 😅

I'm creating a file 'trainval.txt' for keeping a list of training images I'm finally intending to use ( . This is not the trainval_2007.txt file which is part of the dataset. Rather than using the 'trainval' file with the dataset - which has the image to corresponding class mapping - I'm parsing this information from XML annotations in 'VOC2012/Annotations/' . Which I'm not sure if it's the best way to do this - because 'trainval_2012.txt' itself has this image to class mapping. There wouldn't be the need to parse multiple files xml files in that case.

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