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Created July 11, 2018 19:26
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Income Log Reporting
// NationBuilder functions
// It may eventually make sense to make these methods in OOP model
// Could turn into a NationBuilder PHP library or package
// Make a GET request using curl
// Takes one argument, $endpoint, which is the URL to hit with GET
// Expects a response in JSON format, decodes to array, returns the decoded JSON array
function nationbuilderGet($endpoint) {
// Make the curl request
$curl = curl_init();
curl_setopt_array($curl, array(
CURLOPT_URL => $endpoint,
"cache-control: no-cache"
$response = curl_exec($curl);
$err = curl_error($curl);
$response = json_decode($response, true); //because of true, it's in an array
return $response;
// - Constructs an endpoint using the $next endpoint from a NationBuilder response JSON array
// - Takes three arguments:
// 1. $slug: nation slug
// 2. $token: API token
// 3. $next: next string from NationBuilder JSON response array
function nationbuilderNextEndpoint($slug, $token, $next) {
$endpoint = "https://". $slug . "" . $next . "&access_token=" . $token;
return $endpoint;
// PHP script to create SSDP's Sensible Society Monthly Report
//// Betty's manual process, described in comments
// In nationBuilder, run the OK to list donor filter.
// Determine if filtered gifts are anon or should have something listed.
//// Update this information in Ok to list donor custom field:
////// First Last (with "xx for alums), Anon?XXXXX for those which are unclear, AnonXXXXXX for those who don't want to be listed (where XXXXX is the NationBuilder ID)
// Export financial transactions in the last 365 days
// Paste appropriate cells to the tab "export data 365" in the income log
// Delete all "Jean L Sullivan Donations"
// Fix BPG/Sean Luse '00 gifts. ($250+ are BPG)
// Adjust pivot tables to include all rows in "export data 365"
// Skim "sorted list" in "current society" for anomalies
//// Fix in "export data 365" & NationBuilder
// Copy "Sorted List" to "SSDP Supporters" in fundraising tools folder
// Copy "YTD" list to income log, fundraising totals sheet
//// End manual process description
// Pull in configuration
require_once 'config.php';
// Pull in functions.php
require_once 'functions.php';
// NationBuilder configuration
// NATION_SLUG is the nation slug required for NationBuilder endpoints
// NB_ACCESS_TOKEN is the API token required for NationBuilder endpoints
// Get the list of all donations made in the last 365 days
// $last_year is 365 days ago, should be a string for concatenation in the $endpoint variable
// Returns in format: 2018-07-10T07:43:37+02:00
$last_year = date(DATE_ATOM, mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m"), date("d"), date("Y")-1));
// remove everything after the T for formatting in the API endpoint
$last_year = explode("T", $last_year)[0];
// Here's the specific endpoint to use, in $endpoint
// We're only ever going to use one endpoint variable to keep us from making any mistakes or bad requests
$endpoint = "https://". $NATION_SLUG . "". $last_year . "&access_token=" . $NB_ACCESS_TOKEN;
// Create an empty array to store all results
$search_results = array();
// Use the GET function from functions.php
$response = nationbuilderGet($endpoint);
// Merge the first GET response with the empty array
$search_results = array_merge($search_results, $response['results']);
// Check $response['results'] and $search_results are identical
$spot_check = array_diff($response['results'], $search_results);
// var_dump of an OK to list donor field for a specific person in results
// var_dump($response['results'][0]['ok_to_list_donor']);
// While there is a 'next' token in the result array, keep on building the array
while (!empty($response['next'])) {
// Build the correct endpoint
$endpoint = nationbuilderNextEndpoint($NATION_SLUG, $NB_ACCESS_TOKEN, $response['next']);
// GET the endpoint
$response = nationbuilderGet($endpoint);
// Merge the results with $search_results
// Sometimes it doesn't seem like $response['results'] is an array, so don't try to merge if you can't
// Although if the results are just one person, it may not be an array, and we may be missing a value
// TODO: Validate this better
if (is_array($response['results'])) {
$search_results = array_merge($search_results, $response['results']);
// Loop through results
foreach ($search_results as $fields) {
// If they don't have an "ok to list donor" value, check if we have permission
if (empty($fields["donor"]["ok_to_list_donor"])) {
// If we don't have permission, update as anon
if ((bool)$fields["permisson"] === (bool)fase) {
echo "This donation is: " . $fields["donor"]["id"];
echo "\n";
echo "Update with anon here";
echo "\n";
// AnonXXXXXX for those who don't want to be listed (where XXXXX is the NationBuilder ID)
// If we do have permission to list them as donor, update the field with the correct value
elseif ((bool)$fields["permission"] === (bool)true) {
echo "This donation is: " . $fields["donor"]["id"];
echo "\n";
echo "Update with proper name here";
echo "\n";
//First Last (with "xx for alums),
// The only possible case left
// If permission is null, it's unclear whether or not they want to be anonymous
else {
echo "This donation is: " . $fields["donor"]["id"];
echo "\n";
echo "Update with anon with a question mark here";
echo "\n";
//Anon?XXXXX for those which are unclear,\
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