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Created April 13, 2018 20:21
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Tyler Williams NationBuilder API Certification
Tyler Williams NationBuilder Developer Certification
Submitted 4/13/18
This python program completes the following developer exercises:
Create an event
Edit an event
Create a person
Edit a person
Delete a person
No data validation or good error handling, so when you edit fields on the event and the person, you'll have to provide clean data to the program.
Comments throughout the code show what's going on.
Set up with a developer API key instead of the OAuth flow at the moment.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Load libraries and modules
import os
except ImportError:
raise SystemExit('Missing os module')
import json
except ImportError:
raise SystemExit('Missing json module')
import datetime
except ImportError:
raise SystemExit('Missing datetime module')
import requests
except ImportError:
raise SystemExit('Missing requests library -')
from random import *
except ImportError:
raise SystemExit('Missing random module')
#API key for access goes here.
API_KEY = '581aac0b45b50a4f5a76b02956c62f856d4cf4b0a491f5448d841e80bed676e2'
#Nation Slug
NATION = 'tylerwilliams'
#Paramaters for some API calls.
params = {'access_token': API_KEY}
#Keep the program running
while True:
selection = raw_input("""Welcome to my NationBuilder Developer Test! What would you like to do? Type a number and press enter.
1. Create a sample event. One will be automatically created for you.
2. Edit an event
3. Create a sample person. One will be automatically creadted for you
4. Edit a person
5. Delete a person
6. Exit\n""")
if selection == '1':
#Create a sample event.
#Set the endpoint for creating an event.
endpoint = 'https://'+ NATION + ''+ NATION +'/pages/events?access_token=' + API_KEY
#To avoid duplicates, we set the start time as one day before now, and the end time as right now.
#Use now variable for current datetime
now =
#yesterday_raw is the datetime without isoformat
yesterday_raw = - datetime.timedelta(days=1)
#Isoformat for yesterday variable.
yesterday = yesterday_raw.isoformat()
#Create a sample event. Most of the information is static, since this is just a demo. We use a dynamic date, though.
event = {'event':
'status': 'unlisted',
'name': 'The Unobtainable Event',
'intro': '<h1>This event is always scheduled for one day before you make it. You will have to edit it to attend.</h1>',
'time_zone': "Mountain Time (US & Canada)",
'start_time': str(yesterday),
'end_time': str(now),
'name': "Tyler Williams",
'contact_phone': "2036953299",
'show_phone': "True",
'email': "",
'show_email': "True",
'phone': "required",
'address': "required",
'allow_guests': "True",
'accept_rsvps': "True",
'gather_volunteers': "True",
'show_guests': "True",
'capacity': "90",
'name': "The Space",
'address1': "123 Cherry Lane",
'city': "Denver",
'state': "CO"
#Post the event
response =, params=params, json=event)
#Check the response
print response
if selection == '2':
#Edit an existing event.
# Set the endpoint to be the nation's events.
endpoint = 'https://'+ NATION + ''+ NATION +'/pages/events?access_token=' + API_KEY
# Get the events in the nation.
response = requests.get(endpoint)
# Assign the JSON to events variable
events = response.json().items()[1][1]
# Use limit to find out how many events there are and later list them in a for loop.
limit = len(events)
# Print out the event titles
print 'Which event would you like to edit?'
for x in range(0, limit):
print str(x + 1) + '.' + ' ' + events[x]['title']
event_selection = int(raw_input('Type a number and press enter '))
# Set the target_event
target_event = events[event_selection - 1]
#Use dummy_values dictionary to store the existing event details
dummy_values = {
'status': str(target_event['status']),
'start_time': str(target_event['start_time']),
'intro': str(target_event['intro']),
'show_guests': str(target_event['show_guests']),
'capacity': str(target_event['capacity']),
'name': str(target_event['name']),
'venue_name': str(target_event['venue']['name']),
'venue_carrier_route': str(target_event['venue']['address'
'venue_street_name': str(target_event['venue']['address'
'venue_county': str(target_event['venue']['address']['county'
'venue_country_code': str(target_event['venue']['address'
'venue_lng': str(target_event['venue']['address']['lng']),
'venue_zip5': str(target_event['venue']['address']['zip5']),
'venue_zip4': str(target_event['venue']['address']['zip4']),
'venue_city': str(target_event['venue']['address']['city']),
'venue_street_number': str(target_event['venue']['address'
'venue_street_suffix': str(target_event['venue']['address'
'venue_state': str(target_event['venue']['address']['state']),
'venue_lot': str(target_event['venue']['address']['lot']),
'venue_street_prefix': str(target_event['venue']['address'
'venue_unit_number': str(target_event['venue']['address'
'venue_sort_sequence': str(target_event['venue']['address'
'venue_address_1': str(target_event['venue']['address'
'venue_address_2': str(target_event['venue']['address'
'venue_address_3': str(target_event['venue']['address'
'venue_street_type': str(target_event['venue']['address'
'venue_fips': str(target_event['venue']['address']['fips']),
'venue_lat': str(target_event['venue']['address']['lat']),
'venue_zip': str(target_event['venue']['address']['zip']),
'venue_delivery_point': str(target_event['venue']['address'
'time_zone': str(target_event['time_zone']),
'contact_show_email': str(target_event['contact']['show_email'
'contact_show_phone': str(target_event['contact']['show_phone'
'contact_phone': str(target_event['contact']['phone']),
'contact_name': str(target_event['contact']['name']),
'contact_email': str(target_event['contact']['email']),
'end_time': str(target_event['end_time']),
'rsvp_gather_volunteers': str(target_event['rsvp_form'
'rsvp_phone': str(target_event['rsvp_form']['phone']),
'rsvp_accept_rsvps': str(target_event['rsvp_form'
'rsvp_address': str(target_event['rsvp_form']['address']),
'rsvp_allow_guests': str(target_event['rsvp_form'
# Ask for which field they want to edit.
field_to_edit = raw_input("Which attribute do you want to edit? ")
# Get the new value
new_value = raw_input("What's the new value? ")
# Set the value in the dummy_values dictionariy
dummy_values[field_to_edit] = new_value
# Create the payload using dummy_values
event = {'event': {
'status': dummy_values['status'],
'start_time': dummy_values['start_time'],
'intro': dummy_values['intro'],
'show_guests': dummy_values['show_guests'],
'capacity': dummy_values['capacity'],
'name': dummy_values['name'],
'venue': {'name': dummy_values['venue_name'], 'address': {
'carrier_route': dummy_values['venue_carrier_route'],
'street_name': dummy_values['venue_street_name'],
'county': dummy_values['venue_county'],
'country_code': dummy_values['venue_country_code'],
'lng': dummy_values['venue_lng'],
'zip5': dummy_values['venue_zip5'],
'zip4': dummy_values['venue_zip4'],
'city': dummy_values['venue_city'],
'street_number': dummy_values['venue_street_number'],
'street_suffix': dummy_values['venue_street_suffix'],
'state': dummy_values['venue_state'],
'lot': dummy_values['venue_lot'],
'street_prefix': dummy_values['venue_street_prefix'],
'unit_number': dummy_values['venue_unit_number'],
'sort_sequence': dummy_values['venue_sort_sequence'],
'address1': dummy_values['venue_address_1'],
'address2': dummy_values['venue_address_2'],
'address3': dummy_values['venue_address_3'],
'street_type': dummy_values['venue_street_type'],
'fips': dummy_values['venue_fips'],
'lat': dummy_values['venue_lat'],
'zip': dummy_values['venue_zip4'],
'delivery_point': dummy_values['venue_delivery_point'],
'time_zone': dummy_values['time_zone'],
'contact': {
'show_email': dummy_values['contact_show_email'],
'show_phone': dummy_values['contact_show_phone'],
'contact_phone': dummy_values['contact_phone'],
'name': dummy_values['contact_name'],
'email': dummy_values['contact_email'],
'end_time': dummy_values['end_time'],
'rsvp_form': {
'gather_volunteers': dummy_values['rsvp_gather_volunteers'
'phone': dummy_values['rsvp_phone'],
'accept_rsvps': dummy_values['rsvp_accept_rsvps'],
'address': dummy_values['rsvp_address'],
'allow_guests': dummy_values['rsvp_allow_guests'],
#Set the endpoint to the specific event to be updated.
endpoint = 'https://'+ NATION + ''+ NATION +'/pages/events/' + str(target_event['id']) +'?access_token=' + API_KEY
#Put the new information
response = requests.put(endpoint, params=params, json=event)
#Get the response
print response
if selection == '3':
#Create a person
#Set endpoint to the nation's people.
endpoint = 'https://'+ NATION + '' + API_KEY
#Pull random list of first names.
li = [i.strip().split() for i in open("names.txt").readlines()]
#Random number
selector = randint(0,9)
#Create a new person with a random first name.
person = {
"first_name": li[selector][0],
"last_name": "Test",
"phone": "null",
# Post the person
response =, params=params, json=person)
# Get the response
print response
if selection == '4':
#Edit a person
endpoint = 'https://'+ NATION +'' + API_KEY
#Lists out the first 10 people - I've got a lot of test data so now rendering it all in the console.
people_list = requests.get(endpoint).json().items()[1][1]
limit = len(people_list)
for x in range(0, limit):
print str(x + 1) + '.' + ' ' + people_list[x]['first_name'] + ' ' + people_list[x]['last_name']
# Set person to change
person_to_edit = raw_input("Who would you like to change? ")
# Get the id by referencing the name
person_to_edit_id = people_list[int(person_to_edit) - 1]['id']
# Set the field to edit
field_to_edit = raw_input("What field would you like to edit? ")
# Set the new value
new_value = raw_input("What's the new value? ")
# Create the person using the new value
person = {
"person" :
field_to_edit : new_value
# Put the new person
response = requests.put(endpoint, params=params, json=person)
# Print the response
print response
if selection == '5':
#Delete a person
#Set the endpoint to our people
endpoint = 'https://'+ NATION +'' + API_KEY
#Just returning 10 people - there's a few hundred in my test database right now, don't need to render them all.
people_list = requests.get(endpoint).json().items()[1][1]
limit = len(people_list)
for x in range(0, limit):
print str(x + 1) + '.' + ' ' + people_list[x]['first_name'] + ' ' + people_list[x]['last_name']
# Set person to delete
person_to_edit = raw_input("Who would you like to delete? ")
# Get the id by the name
person_to_edit_id = people_list[int(person_to_edit) - 1]['id']
#Set the endpoint to the person's profile
endpoint = 'https://'+ NATION + '' + str(person_to_edit_id) +'?access_token=' + API_KEY
response = requests.delete(endpoint)
# Print response
print response
if selection == '6':
#Exit the program
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