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Forked from akderebur/Program.cs
Created August 4, 2023 02:22
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Wildstar M3 Model Load/Export
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
namespace M3Exporter
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
if (args.Length == 0)
string file = args[0];
float divider = short.MaxValue;
FileStream fs = new FileStream(file, FileMode.Open);
BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(fs);
int magic = reader.ReadInt32();
if (magic != 1297040460) // LDOM
fs.Seek(600, SeekOrigin.Begin);
long mTOff = reader.ReadInt64(); // mesh table offset
fs.Seek(1584 + mTOff, SeekOrigin.Begin); // 1584 = Header End
// Mesh Table
fs.Seek(24, SeekOrigin.Current);
int vertCount = reader.ReadInt32();
int blockLen = reader.ReadInt16();
fs.Seek(74, SeekOrigin.Current);
int indCount = reader.ReadInt32();
fs.Seek(12, SeekOrigin.Current);
long indOff = reader.ReadInt64();
long smCount = reader.ReadInt64(); // submeshes
long smTOff = reader.ReadInt64();
// Note data offsets
long vbStart = fs.Position + 64;
long indStart = vbStart + indOff;
long smStart = vbStart + smTOff;
// Help for arrays
int vInd = 0, uvInd = 0;
var meshes = new Submesh[smCount];
// Submesh Table
for (int s = 0; s < smCount; s++)
fs.Seek(smStart + 112 * s, SeekOrigin.Begin);
int startIndex = reader.ReadInt32();
int startVertex = reader.ReadInt32();
int sIndCount = reader.ReadInt32();
int sVertCount = reader.ReadInt32();
var sVertices = new float[sVertCount * 3];
var sUVs = new float[sVertCount * 2];
var sIndices = new int[sIndCount];
// Read mesh data
fs.Seek(vbStart + blockLen * startVertex, SeekOrigin.Begin);
for (int v = 0; v < sVertCount; v++)
vInd = v * 3;
uvInd = v * 2;
// Vertex position
sVertices[vInd] = reader.ReadInt16() / divider;
sVertices[vInd + 1] = reader.ReadInt16() / divider;
sVertices[vInd + 2] = reader.ReadInt16() / divider;
// UV
fs.Seek(blockLen - 10, SeekOrigin.Current); // assume uv always last 4 bytes
sUVs[uvInd] = Half.ToHalf(reader.ReadBytes(2), 0);
sUVs[uvInd + 1] = Half.ToHalf(reader.ReadBytes(2), 0);
fs.Seek(indStart + 2 * startIndex, SeekOrigin.Begin);
for (int i = 0; i < sIndCount; i++)
sIndices[i] = reader.ReadUInt16();
Submesh sm = new Submesh()
vertices = sVertices,
uvs = sUVs,
indices = sIndices
meshes[s] = sm;
// Export meshes
public static void ExportOBJ(Submesh[] meshes)
if (meshes == null || meshes.Length == 0)
int startIndex = 0, mIndex = -1;
StringBuilder objS = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var mesh in meshes)
int vertCount = mesh.vertices.Length / 3;
int indCount = mesh.indices.Length;
objS.AppendLine("g mesh" + ++mIndex);
StringBuilder vertS = new StringBuilder();
StringBuilder uvS = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < vertCount; i++)
int vInd = 3 * i;
int uvInd = 2 * i;
vertS.AppendLine(string.Format("v {0} {1} {2}", mesh.vertices[vInd], mesh.vertices[vInd + 1], mesh.vertices[vInd + 2]));
uvS.AppendLine(string.Format("vt {0} {1}", mesh.uvs[uvInd], (1f - mesh.uvs[uvInd + 1])));
// faces
for (int i = 0; i < indCount; i += 3)
objS.AppendLine(string.Format("f {0}/{0}/{0} {1}/{1}/{1} {2}/{2}/{2}", mesh.indices[i] + 1 + startIndex, mesh.indices[i + 1] + 1 + startIndex, mesh.indices[i + 2] + 1 + startIndex));
startIndex += vertCount;
File.WriteAllText("test.obj", objS.ToString());
public class Submesh
public float[] vertices { get; set; }
public float[] uvs { get; set; }
public int[] indices { get; set; }
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