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Created February 2, 2015 05:08
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// InfoCell.swift
// FeedReader
// Created by Mitchell Cooper on 2/1/15.
// Copyright (c) 2015 Mitchell Cooper. All rights reserved.
import UIKit
class InfoCell: UITableViewCell {
@IBOutlet var unreadBox: UIView!
@IBOutlet var totalBox: UIView!
@IBOutlet var savedBox: UIView!
// info for the buttons, as returned by delegate methods
typealias ButtonInfo = (title: String, articles: [Article])
var totalInfo: ButtonInfo?
var unreadInfo: ButtonInfo?
var savedInfo: ButtonInfo?
// upon setting the delegate, get the info we need
private weak var _dataSource: InfoCellDataSource?
var dataSource: InfoCellDataSource? {
get {
return _dataSource
set {
_dataSource = newValue
totalInfo = _dataSource?.infoCellTotalArticles (self)
unreadInfo = _dataSource?.infoCellUnreadArticles(self)
savedInfo = _dataSource?.infoCellSavedArticles (self)
override func awakeFromNib() {
// add gesture recognizers
for box in [unreadBox, totalBox, savedBox] {
let tap = UITapGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: "handleTap:")
// button box view map to button info
// this is a lazy var because it will only be computed after
// the info properties are present
lazy var boxToInfoMap: [UIView: ButtonInfo!] = {
return [
self.unreadBox: self.unreadInfo,
self.totalBox: self.totalInfo,
self.savedBox: self.savedInfo
// callback for all gesture recognizers
func handleTap(sender: UITapGestureRecognizer) {
let box = sender.view!
// make the background the cell selected background color
// after half a second, return to transparent background
func updateBackground(box: UIView) {
box.backgroundColor = Colors.cellSelectedBackgroundColor
after(0.5) { box.backgroundColor = nil }
// update the article counts in the buttons
func updateArticleCounts() {
for (box, info) in boxToInfoMap {
(box.subviews.first as? UILabel)?.text = "\(info.articles.count)"
// push a collection of articles with a generic article collection
func pushCollection(info: ButtonInfo) {
let collection = GenericArticleCollection(title: info.title, articles: info.articles)
let articleVC = ArticleListVC(collection: collection)
rss.navigationController.pushViewController(articleVC, animated: true)
// protocol for article collection data source
// defined as a class protocol so that data source can be weak
protocol InfoCellDataSource: class {
func infoCellTotalArticles (cell: InfoCell) -> InfoCell.ButtonInfo
func infoCellUnreadArticles(cell: InfoCell) -> InfoCell.ButtonInfo
func infoCellSavedArticles (cell: InfoCell) -> InfoCell.ButtonInfo
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