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Created August 21, 2015 08:04
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require 'json'
require 'yaml'
confDir = $confDir ||= File.expand_path("vendor/laravel/homestead", File.dirname(__FILE__))
homesteadYamlPath = File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/Homestead.yaml"
afterScriptPath = ""
aliasesPath = "aliases"
require File.expand_path(confDir + '/scripts/homestead.rb')
Vagrant.configure(VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION) do |config|
if File.exists? aliasesPath then
config.vm.provision "file", source: aliasesPath, destination: "~/.bash_aliases"
Homestead.configure(config, YAML::load(
if File.exists? afterScriptPath then
config.vm.provision "shell", path: afterScriptPath
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