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Last active February 16, 2024 18:47
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Auto-select all FHIR APIs listed within the USCDI core data set

Auto-select all FHIR APIs listed within the USCDI core data set

Automatic Client ID Distribution for USCDI depends on you selecting a limited subset of FHIR resources, but it's painful to manually cross-reference to select exactly which ones (Epic documentation is here with the full list). Automated solution:

  1. Create a new app at

  2. On the edit page, deselect any selected APIs, and run in browser console:

    $("#WebServicesChosen option[data-uscdi-readonly=True]").each((i, item) => {
      var id = $(item).val()
      $(`#availableWebServices li[id=${id}]`).addClass("active")
  3. Click the >> button to add the APIs that are now selected

  4. Verify "Client IDs for this app WILL be automatically downloaded to certain customer systems upon marking it ready for production." is showing

  5. Save your app

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my personal experience is within a single system where i knew the person's email address. it would likely be a clinical IT person implementing the change.

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