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Last active January 16, 2024 02:51
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Go-Ethereum (Geth) NGINX Health Check (Ubuntu)

Uses NGINX's njs module to query geth's eth_syncing RPC endpoint. Considered as "healthy" only when the syncing attribute is false.

This is useful if you are managing a cluster of geth nodes behind a load balancer and need a compatible healthcheck.

  1. Create a directory to store our njs script
$ mkdir /etc/nginx/njs
  1. Create file /etc/nginx/njs/health.js with the following:

If you have vhost set in geth, make sure <OPTIONAL_HOST> matches this value. otherwise you can remove the Host header.

async function health(r) {
  let res = await ngx.fetch('', {
    method: 'POST',
    headers: { Host: '<OPTIONAL_HOST>', 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
    body: '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1, "method":"eth_syncing", "params": [] }'
  let body = await res.json();
  if (body.result) {
    r.return(500, 'not synced');
  } else {
    r.return(200, 'OK');

export default {health}
  1. Install njs module for nginx

# (Optional) Backup your current nginx.conf (Sometimes it can be overwritten by installing nginx)
cp /etc/nginx/nginx.conf /etc/nginx/nginx.conf.bak

# Install dependencies
sudo apt install curl gnupg2 ca-certificates lsb-release ubuntu-keyring

# Get GPG key
curl | gpg --dearmor \
    | sudo tee /usr/share/keyrings/nginx-archive-keyring.gpg >/dev/null

# Setup apt repo
echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/nginx-archive-keyring.gpg] \ `lsb_release -cs` nginx" \
    | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/nginx.list
# Install
sudo apt update && sudo apt install nginx-module-njs
  1. Enable njs

In /etc/nginx/nginx.conf add:

load_module modules/;
load_module modules/;
  1. In /etc/nginx/sites-available/xxx add
 js_path "/etc/nginx/njs/";
js_import main from health.js;
location /health {
  1. Make sure config is ok and reload:
sudo nginx -t
sudo service nginx reload

Now, GET /health will return a 500 status code when not synced, or 200 if healthy.

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