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Last active October 22, 2015 13:46
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javascript ref
This is for you to reference when doing homework --- this will contain it all!
**Table of Contents**
###data types
// variables (user 'var')
var zero = 1;
var name = 'biilliio';
###target an element
var el = $('h1')
var el = $('.some-class')
var el = $('#some-id')
###get information about that element
$('h1').text() //gets you the text inside that tag
$('input').val() //gets you the value of an input field
###edit the element
$('h1').text('New Text For Header') //you can set text this way
$('h1').css('background-color', 'black') //you can set style this way
$('input').val('whatever') //you can even change input field value
###create an element
var newEl = $('<div>blargstefer</div>')
###add element to page
you can add the element to the page in different ways. **append, prepend, before, after**
$('ul').append(newEl) //puts newEl at the end of the list targeted by 'ul'
$('ul').prepend(newEl) //same but at beginning
$('ul').before(newEl) // puts newEl b4 'ul' element
$('ul').after(newEl) // right?
similar to ruby --- just defined and called a bit differently
```define it
// def
var myFunction = function(){
console.log('this is happening!')
// call it
myFunction() //this will run the function!
// define a func with arguements
var myNextFunction = function(message) {
// call it with arguement
myNextFunction('bargstefer') // this will log 'a function will log 'bargstefer'
// another example
var multiply = function(x,y) {
return x*y
multiply(2,4) // this will return... 8
first you target the element that you care about; then you tell it what kind of event you care about; the you tell it what to do when that event happens.
var iCare = $('h1')
myFunction = function() { console.log('something') }
iCare.on('click', myFunction);
now whenever someone clicks on an **h1** element javascript will run **myFunction** which will **log 'something'**
another way (more common)
var iCare = $('h1')
iCare.on('click', function(){
this code will do the same as the one before it. but it is easier to write.
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