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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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the world's dumbest Haskell json-rpc example
cabal install scotty
cabal install aeson
runhaskell server.hs
curl -X POST -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"Calc.Add", "params":[10,50], "id":"abc"}' http://localhost:3000/api
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Web.Scotty hiding (params)
import Data.Monoid (mconcat)
import Data.Aeson
import Network.Wai
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BS
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as T
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Number as N
import qualified Data.Vector as V
-- Generic JSON-RPC stuff
data Req = Req {
reqId :: String
, jsonrpc :: String
, method :: String
, params :: Maybe Value
} deriving (Show, Eq)
instance FromJSON Req where
parseJSON (Object v) = Req <$>
v .: "id" <*>
v .: "jsonrpc" <*>
v .: "method" <*>
v .: "params"
parseJSON _ = mzero
data Resp = ErrResp String Int String (Maybe Value)
| OkResp String Value
errInvalidReq :: Resp
errInvalidReq = ErrResp "" (-32600) "Invalid JSON-RPC Request" Nothing
errMethodNotFound :: Req -> Resp
errMethodNotFound req = ErrResp (reqId req) (-32601) ("Method not found: " ++ (method req)) Nothing
errInvalidParams :: Req -> String -> Resp
errInvalidParams req msg = ErrResp (reqId req) (-32602) ("Invalid params: " ++ msg) Nothing
instance ToJSON Resp where
toJSON (ErrResp rid code msg d) = object ["jsonrpc" .= (BS.pack "2.0"), "id" .= rid, "error" .= object [ "code" .= code, "message" .= msg, "data" .= d ]]
toJSON (OkResp rid result) = object ["jsonrpc" .= (BS.pack "2.0"), "id" .= rid, "result" .= result ]
-- Generic type conversion
toInt :: Maybe Value -> Maybe Integer
toInt (Just (Number (N.I x))) = Just x
toInt _ = Nothing
-- if I were cooler this would be an operator
arrNth :: Maybe Value -> Int -> Maybe Value
arrNth v x = case v of
Just (Array ar) -> ar V.!? x
_ -> Nothing
-- these would be auto-generated from the IDL
-- type class would be generated for each Barrister interface
class Calc a where
add :: a -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer
-- "dispatcher" func would also be generated for each interface
-- with one matching pattern per method on the interface
dispatchCalc :: Calc a => a -> Req -> Resp
dispatchCalc a req = case (method req) of
"Calc.Add" -> calcAddRPC a req
_ -> errMethodNotFound req
-- marshaling func would be generated per method
-- that would destructure the "params" slot into the expected params
-- for the method, or fail
-- This example doesn't do optional vs required validation. in theory
-- we'd have a generic function in the haskell barrister bindings
-- that would validate the params.
calcAddRPC :: Calc a => a -> Req -> Resp
calcAddRPC a req = case ((toInt $ arrNth p 0), (toInt $ arrNth p 1)) of
((Just x), (Just y)) -> OkResp (reqId req) (Number (N.I (add a x y)))
_ -> errInvalidParams req "Calc.Add expects: [int, int]"
where p = params req
-- our calculator
data CalcImpl = CalcImpl
instance Calc CalcImpl where
add _ x y = x + y
-- main
main = scotty 3000 $ do
let calcImpl = CalcImpl
get "/:word" $ do
beam <- param "word"
html $ mconcat ["<h1>Scotty, ", beam, " me up!</h1>"]
post "/api" $ do
b <- body
setHeader "Content-Type" "application/json"
case (decode b :: Maybe Req) of
Just req -> raw $ encode (dispatchCalc calcImpl req)
Nothing -> raw $ encode errInvalidReq
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