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Last active May 7, 2023 13:41
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Automatically detect the true Python type of a string and cast it
Automatically detect the true Python type of a string and cast it to the correct type.
Based on
import contextlib
from typing import Any
def boolify(s: str) -> bool:
"""Convert a string to a boolean."""
if s in {"True", "true"}:
return True
if s in {"False", "false"}:
return False
raise ValueError("Not Boolean Value!")
def noneify(s: str) -> None:
"""Convert a string to None."""
if s == "None":
return None
raise ValueError("Not None Value!")
def listify(s: str) -> list:
Convert a string representation of a list into list of homogenous basic types.
Type of elements in list is determined via first element. Successive elements are
cast to that type.
s: String representation of a list.
ValueError: If string does not represent a list.
TypeError: If string does not represent a list of homogenous basic types.
List of homogenous basic types.
if "," not in s:
raise ValueError("Not a List")
# derive the type of the variable
str_list = s.split(",")
element_caster = str
for caster in (boolify, int, float, noneify, element_caster):
with contextlib.suppress(ValueError):
caster(str_list[0]) # type: ignore[operator]
element_caster = caster # type: ignore[assignment]
# cast all elements
return [element_caster(x) for x in str_list]
except ValueError as e:
raise TypeError("Autocasted list must be all same type") from e
def autocast_value(var: Any) -> Any:
Guess the string representation of the variable's type.
var: Value to autocast.
The autocasted value.
if not isinstance(var, str): # don't need to guess non-string types
return var
# guess string representation of var
for caster in (boolify, int, float, noneify, listify):
with contextlib.suppress(ValueError):
return caster(var) # type: ignore[operator]
return var
"""Tests for the autocast module."""
import pytest
from pytest import param
from archeion import autocast
"value, expected",
param("true", True, id="true"),
param("false", False, id="false"),
param("True", True, id="True"),
param("False", False, id="False"),
def test_boolify_valid(value: str, expected: bool) -> None:
"""Test the boolify function."""
assert autocast.boolify(value) == expected
param(1, id="int"),
param("string", id="str"),
def test_boolify_invalid(value):
"""Test the boolify function."""
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
def test_noneify():
"""noneify should return None if the string is None."""
assert autocast.noneify("None") is None
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
param("1,2,3,4", [1, 2, 3, 4], id="int"),
param("s,t,r", ["s", "t", "r"], id="str"),
param("1.1,2,3.14", [1.1, 2.0, 3.14], id="float"),
param("True,False,true,false", [True, False, True, False], id="bool"),
param("None,None,None", [None, None, None], id="none"),
def test_listify_valid(value, expected):
"""Test the listify function."""
assert autocast.listify(value) == expected
def test_listify_invalid():
"""Every element of the list should be the same type."""
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
autocast.listify("I am not a list")
param("true", True, id="true"),
param("false", False, id="false"),
param("True", True, id="True"),
param("False", False, id="False"),
param("1,2,3,4", [1, 2, 3, 4], id="int-list"),
param("s,t,r", ["s", "t", "r"], id="str-list"),
param("1", 1, id="int"),
param("1.0", 1.0, id="float"),
param(1, 1, id="real-int"),
def test_autocast_value(value, expected):
"""Test basic functionality of autocast_value."""
assert autocast.autocast_value(value) == expected
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