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Created November 16, 2017 22:31
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Type level cofree react router
module Type.React.Router where
import Control.Monad.Eff (Eff)
import Control.Monad.Eff.Console (CONSOLE, log)
import Prelude (Unit)
import Type.Proxy (Proxy(..))
import Type.Trout (type (:/), Capture, Lit, Named, QueryParam, QueryParams, Sub)
type PBool = Proxy Boolean
class IsLocation x
instance isLocationLit :: IsLocation (Lit v)
instance isLocationCapture :: IsLocation (Capture v t)
instance isLocationQueryParam :: IsLocation (QueryParam k v)
instance isLocationQueryParams :: IsLocation (QueryParams k v)
instance isLocationNamed :: (IsLocation l) => IsLocation (Named n l)
instance isLocationSub :: (IsLocation l) => IsLocation (Sub v l)
data Nil
data Cons a as
class IsList x
instance isListNil :: IsList Nil
instance isListCons :: (IsList as) => IsList (Cons a as)
list1 :: IsList (Cons Int (Cons String Nil)) => PBool
list1 = Proxy
notList1 :: IsList (Cons Int (Cons String Int)) => PBool
notList1 = Proxy
data Leaf a as
class IsLeafList x
instance isLeafListNil :: IsLeafList Nil
instance isLeafListCons :: (IsLocation a, IsList as, IsLeafList as, IsList bs, IsLeafList bs) => IsLeafList (Cons (Leaf a as) bs)
llist1 :: IsLeafList (Cons (Leaf (Lit "") (Cons (Leaf (Lit "") Nil) Nil)) Nil) => PBool
llist1 = Proxy
llist2 :: IsLeafList (Cons (Leaf (Lit "") (Cons (Leaf (Lit "") Nil) Nil)) (Cons (Leaf (Lit "") Nil) Nil)) => PBool
llist2 = Proxy
class IsRouter x
instance isRouterNil :: (IsLocation l) => IsRouter (Leaf l Nil)
instance isRouterCons :: (IsLocation l, IsRouter a, IsLeafList as) => IsRouter (Leaf l (Cons a as))
type Router1 = Leaf (Lit "home") (Cons (Leaf ("users" :/ Capture "userId" Int) Nil) Nil)
router1 :: IsRouter Router1 => PBool
router1 = Proxy
type Router2 = Leaf (Lit "home")
(Leaf (Lit "books")
(Cons (Leaf (Capture "bookId" Int) Nil) Nil))
(Leaf (Lit "users")
(Cons (Leaf (Capture "userId" Int) Nil) Nil))
router2 :: IsRouter Router2 => PBool
router2 = Proxy
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