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Last active August 6, 2019 21:40
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Tracer using `Arrow` categories
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
import Prelude hiding (filter, (.))
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Category
data TracerC c a where
Tracer :: Arrow c => c a () -> TracerC c a
type Tracer m a = TracerC (Kleisli m) a
withTracerC :: forall c a.
ArrowApply c
=> TracerC c a
-> a
-> c () ()
withTracerC (Tracer tr) a = apply . f
apply :: c (c a (), a) ()
apply = app
f :: c () (c a (), a)
f = arr (const tr) &&& arr (const a)
withTracer :: Monad m
=> Tracer m a
-> a
-> m ()
withTracer tr a = case withTracerC tr a of
Kleisli f -> f ()
contramap :: (a -> b)
-> TracerC c b
-> TracerC c a
contramap ab tr@Tracer{} = contramapM (arr ab) tr
contramapM :: c a b
-> TracerC c b
-> TracerC c a
contramapM cab (Tracer tr) = Tracer (tr . cab)
stdoutTracer :: Tracer IO String
stdoutTracer = Tracer (Kleisli putStrLn)
showTracing :: Show a
=> TracerC c String
-> TracerC c a
showTracing tr@Tracer{} = contramap show tr
nullTracer :: Arrow c => TracerC c a
nullTracer = Tracer (arr $ const ())
select :: ArrowChoice c
=> c x (Either y z)
-> TracerC c y
-> TracerC c z
-> TracerC c x
select choice (Tracer y) (Tracer z) = Tracer $ (y ||| z) . choice
condTracing :: ArrowChoice c
=> (a -> Bool)
-> TracerC c a
-> TracerC c a
condTracing p tr = select arrowP nullTracer tr
arrowP = arr $ \a -> if p a then Right a else Left ()
prod :: c x y
-> c x z
-> TracerC c (y, z)
-> TracerC c x
prod f g tr@Tracer{} = contramapM (f &&& g) tr
natTracer :: Arrow d
=> (forall x y. c x y -> d x y)
-> TracerC c a
-> TracerC d a
natTracer nat (Tracer tr) = Tracer (nat tr)
instance ArrowPlus c => Semigroup (TracerC c a) where
Tracer a <> Tracer a' = Tracer $ a <+> a'
instance ArrowPlus c => Monoid (TracerC c a) where
mempty = Tracer zeroArrow
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