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Last active September 27, 2020 08:14
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{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
-- |
module FlipFlops
( -- * Logic primitives
-- * SR-NOR--Latch
, mkSRNORLatch
, runSRNORLatch
-- ** SR-NAND--Latch
, mkSRNANDLatch
, runSRNANDLatch
-- ** Gated SR-Latch
, GatedSRLatch
, runGatedSRLatch
, mkGatedSRLatch
-- ** Gated D-Latch
, GatedDLatch
, runGatedDLatch
, mkGatedDLatch
, readGatedDLatch
-- ** Logic primitives
, nor
, nand
-- * Applications
-- ** Counter
, Counter
, runCounter
, mkCounter
, readCounter
, zeroCounter
, succCounter
) where
-- | A nand gate, lazy in the second argument.
nand :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
nand False _ = True
nand True x = not x
-- | A nor gate, lazy in the second argument.
nor :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
nor True _ = False
nor False x = not x
-- | SR NOR latch: two nand gates; It will halt on 'False' 'False'.
sr_nor_latch :: Bool -> Bool -> (Bool, Bool)
sr_nor_latch r s =
let q = r `nor` q'
q' = s `nor` q
in (q, q')
-- | 'SRNORLatch', it keeps state of the result of the first nand gate.
-- [](SR
-- NOR latch)
-- @
-- ┌───┐
-- r ──┤ ≥1│
-- │ ├○┬──▶ q
-- ┌┤ │ │
-- │└───┘ │
-- └───────┐
-- ┌──────┘│
-- │┌───┐ │
-- └┤ ≥1│ │
-- │ ├○─┴─▶ ¬q
-- s ──┤ │
-- └───┘
-- @
-- ```
-- r s │ q
-- ────────────┼─────────────
-- False False │ read
-- False True │ set
-- True False │ reset
-- True True │ unspecified
-- ```
newtype SRNORLatch = SRNORLatch { runSRNORLatch :: Bool -> Bool -> (Bool, SRNORLatch) }
-- | 'SRNORLatch' smart constructor.
mkSRNORLatch :: Bool -- ^ initial state
-> SRNORLatch
mkSRNORLatch = SRNORLatch . run
run :: Bool
-> Bool -> Bool -> (Bool, SRNORLatch)
run q False False =
-- resolve mutual recursion in 'sr_nor_latch' using the state
(q, SRNORLatch (run q))
run _ r s =
let (q, _) = sr_nor_latch r s
in (q, SRNORLatch (run q))
-- SR NAND Latch
sr_nand_latch :: Bool -- ^ r
-> Bool -- ^ s
-> (Bool, Bool)
sr_nand_latch r s =
let q = r `nand` q'
q' = s `nand` q
in (q, q')
-- SR NAND Latch
-- @
-- ┌───┐
-- s ──┤ & │
-- │ ├○┬──▶ q
-- ┌┤ │ │
-- │└───┘ │
-- └───────┐
-- ┌──────┘│
-- │┌───┐ │
-- └┤ & │ │
-- │ ├○─┴─▶ ¬q
-- r ──┤ │
-- └───┘
-- @
-- ```
-- r s │ q
-- ────────────┼─────────────
-- False False │ unspecified
-- False True │ set
-- True False │ reset
-- True True │ read
-- ```
newtype SRNANDLatch = SRNANDLatch {
runSRNANDLatch :: Bool -- ^ r
-> Bool -- ^ s
-> (Bool, SRNANDLatch) }
-- | 'SRNANDLatch' smart constructor.
mkSRNANDLatch :: Bool -- ^ initial state
-> SRNANDLatch
mkSRNANDLatch = SRNANDLatch . run
run :: Bool
-> Bool -> Bool -> (Bool, SRNANDLatch)
run q True True =
-- resolve mutual recursion in 'sr_nand_latch' using the state
(q, SRNANDLatch (run q))
run _ r s =
let (q, _) = sr_nand_latch r s
in (q, SRNANDLatch (run q))
-- Gated SRLatch
newtype GatedSRLatch = GatedSRLatch {
runGatedSRLatch :: Bool -- ^ e
-> Bool -- ^ s
-> Bool -- ^ r
-> (Bool, GatedSRLatch) }
mkGatedSRLatch :: Bool -> GatedSRLatch
mkGatedSRLatch = fromSRLatch . mkSRNORLatch
fromSRLatch :: SRNORLatch -> GatedSRLatch
fromSRLatch (SRNORLatch f) = GatedSRLatch
$ \e r s -> case f (r && e) (s && e) of
(q, srl) -> (q, fromSRLatch srl)
-- Gated DLatch
-- | Gated D-Latch
-- @
-- ┌─────────┐
-- ─┤ d q ├─
-- │ │
-- ─┤ e ¬q ├─
-- └─────────┘
-- @
-- Which is a composition of two nand gates and an SR NAND Latch:
-- @
-- ┌───┐
-- d ──┤ & │ ┌───┐
-- │ ├○─┬──┤ & │
-- ┌─┤ │ │ │ ├○┬──▶ q
-- │ └───┘ │ ┌┤ │ │
-- │┌───────┘ │└───┘ │
-- ││ └───────┐
-- ││ ┌──────┘│
-- ││ │┌───┐ │
-- ││┌───┐ └┤ & │ │
-- │└┤ & │ │ ├○─┴─▶ ¬q
-- │ │ ├○────┤ │
-- e ┴─┤ │ └───┘
-- └───┘
-- @
-- ```
-- d e │
-- ────────────┼──────────────
-- _ False │ read
-- False True │ set to False
-- True True │ set to True
-- ```
newtype GatedDLatch = GatedDLatch {
runGatedDLatch :: Bool -- ^ d
-> Bool -- ^ e
-> (Bool, GatedDLatch) }
mkGatedDLatch :: Bool -> GatedDLatch
mkGatedDLatch = fromSRNANDLatch . mkSRNANDLatch
fromSRNANDLatch :: SRNANDLatch -> GatedDLatch
fromSRNANDLatch srl =
GatedDLatch $
\d e ->
let r = d `nand` e
s = r `nand` e
in case runSRNANDLatch srl r s of
(q, srl') -> (q, fromSRNANDLatch srl')
readGatedDLatch :: GatedDLatch -> Bool
readGatedDLatch gdl = fst $ runGatedDLatch gdl False False
-- Applications
-- | Two bit counter (Z₄)
data Counter = Counter {
runCounter :: Bool -> Counter,
-- | internal, low bit Gated D-Latch
lowLatch :: GatedDLatch,
-- | internal, high bit Gated D-Latch
highLatch :: GatedDLatch
readCounter :: Counter -> (Bool, Bool)
readCounter Counter {lowLatch, highLatch} =
( readGatedDLatch lowLatch
, readGatedDLatch highLatch
-- | 'Counter' smart constructor.
-- The frist Gated DLatch represents the low bit, the sencond the high bit:
-- @
-- ┌─────────────┐┌─────────────┐
-- │ ┌─────────┐ ││ ┌─────────┐ │
-- └─┤ d q ├ │└─┤ d q├─│─▶
-- │ │ │ │ │ │
-- ──┤ e ¬q ├─┴──┤ e ¬q├─┘
-- └─────────┘ └─────────┘
-- @
mkCounter :: Bool -> Bool
-> Counter
mkCounter lowBit highBit = fromGDLs (mkGatedDLatch lowBit) (mkGatedDLatch highBit)
fromGDLs :: GatedDLatch -> GatedDLatch -> Counter
fromGDLs lowLatch highLatch = Counter {
lowLatch, highLatch,
runCounter =
\e ->
let qbar = not $ readGatedDLatch lowLatch
(q, lowLatch') = runGatedDLatch lowLatch qbar e
qbar' = not $ readGatedDLatch highLatch
(_, highLatch') = runGatedDLatch highLatch qbar' (not q)
in fromGDLs lowLatch' highLatch'
zeroCounter :: Counter
zeroCounter = mkCounter False False
succCounter :: Counter -> Counter
succCounter = flip runCounter True
-- (True, True)
threeCounter :: (Bool, Bool)
threeCounter = readCounter
. succCounter
. succCounter
. succCounter
$ zeroCounter
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