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Explicit pipelining without concurrency
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingVia #-}
{-# LANGUAGE EmptyCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneKindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module Pipelined2 where
import Data.Kind (Type)
-- import Data.Typeable
import Data.Void
-- Interface copied from 'typed-protocol' package
class Protocol ps where
-- | The messages for this protocol. It is expected to be a GADT that is
-- indexed by the @from@ and @to@ protocol states. That is the protocol state
-- the message transitions from, and the protocol state it transitions into.
-- These are the edges of the protocol state transition system.
data Message ps (st :: ps) (st' :: ps)
-- | Tokens for those protocol states in which the client has agency.
data ClientHasAgency (st :: ps)
-- | Tokens for those protocol states in which the server has agency.
data ServerHasAgency (st :: ps)
-- | Tokens for terminal protocol states in which neither the client nor
-- server has agency.
data NobodyHasAgency (st :: ps)
-- | Lemma that if the client has agency for a state, there are no
-- cases in which the server has agency for the same state.
:: forall (st :: ps).
ClientHasAgency st
-> ServerHasAgency st
-> Void
-- | Lemma that if the nobody has agency for a state, there are no
-- cases in which the client has agency for the same state.
:: forall (st :: ps).
NobodyHasAgency st
-> ClientHasAgency st
-> Void
-- | Lemma that if the nobody has agency for a state, there are no
-- cases in which the server has agency for the same state.
:: forall (st :: ps).
NobodyHasAgency st
-> ServerHasAgency st
-> Void
data PeerRole = AsClient | AsServer
data PeerHasAgency (pr :: PeerRole) (st :: ps) where
ClientAgency :: !(ClientHasAgency st) -> PeerHasAgency AsClient st
ServerAgency :: !(ServerHasAgency st) -> PeerHasAgency AsServer st
type WeHaveAgency (pr :: PeerRole) st = PeerHasAgency pr st
type TheyHaveAgency (pr :: PeerRole) st = PeerHasAgency (FlipAgency pr) st
type family FlipAgency (pr :: PeerRole) where
FlipAgency AsClient = AsServer
FlipAgency AsServer = AsClient
-- Explicit pipelining without concurrency.
data Trans ps where
Tr :: forall ps. ps -> ps -> Trans ps
type Snoc :: [k] -> k -> [k]
type family Snoc as a where
Snoc '[] b = '[b]
Snoc (a ': as) b = a ': Snoc as b
type Uncons :: ps -> Trans ps -> [Trans ps] -> [Trans ps]
type family Uncons stNext a as where
Uncons stNext (Tr st stNext) as = as
Uncons stNext (Tr st st') as = Tr stNext st' : as
type PeerPipelined :: forall ps -> PeerRole -> ps -> [Trans ps] -> (Type -> Type) -> Type
-> Type
data PeerPipelined ps pr st tr m a where
Effect :: m (PeerPipelined ps pr st tr m a)
-> PeerPipelined ps pr st tr m a
Yield :: !(WeHaveAgency pr st)
-> Message ps st st'
-> PeerPipelined ps pr st' '[] m a
-> PeerPipelined ps pr st '[] m a
Await :: !(TheyHaveAgency pr st)
-> (forall st'. Message ps st st'
-> PeerPipelined ps pr st' '[] m a)
-> PeerPipelined ps pr st '[] m a
-- | Push onto collect queue.
:: !(WeHaveAgency pr st)
-> Message ps st st'
-> PeerPipelined ps pr (st'' :: ps) (Snoc tr (Tr st' st'')) m a
-> PeerPipelined ps pr st tr m a
-- | Collect pushed @Tr@.
-- This could be expressed as 'CollectPartial' and 'CollectDone' (see
-- 'collect'), if we didn't use higher rank polymorphism in
-- 'CollectParital'.
-- This is used by 'TxSubmission' mini-protocol.
Collect :: Maybe (PeerPipelined ps pr (st :: ps) (Tr st' st'' ': tr) m a)
-> !(TheyHaveAgency pr st')
-> (Message ps st' st''
-> PeerPipelined ps pr (st :: ps) tr m a)
-> PeerPipelined ps pr (st :: ps) (Tr st' st'' ': tr) m a
-- | Parially collect pushed @Tr@.
-- We use this in 'BlockFetch' mini-protocol.
:: Maybe (PeerPipelined ps pr (st :: ps) (Tr st' st'' ': tr) m a)
-> !(TheyHaveAgency pr st')
-> (forall stNext. Message ps st' stNext
-> PeerPipelined ps pr (st :: ps) (Tr stNext st'' ': tr) m a)
-> PeerPipelined ps pr (st :: ps) (Tr st' st'' ': tr) m a
-- | Pop identity 'Tr' from the collect queue.
-- 'CollectDone' allows to defer poping @Tr ps st st@ from the queue after
-- a message is received (in 'CollectPartial' callback), unlike 'Collect'
-- which needs to know the transition type at compile time.
:: PeerPipelined ps pr (st :: ps) tr m a
-> PeerPipelined ps pr (st :: ps) (Tr st' st' ': tr) m a
Done :: !(NobodyHasAgency st)
-> a
-> PeerPipelined ps pr st '[] m a
-- | This is enough to support pipelining in 'TxSubmission' mini-protocol,
-- but not enough to support pipelining in 'BlockFetch'.
-- 'collect' type checks if 'CollectPartial' does not use ranked-n-types in
-- the continuation.
- collect :: Maybe (PeerPipelined ps pr (st :: ps) (Tr st' st'' ': tr) m a)
- -> TheyHaveAgency pr st'
- -> (Message ps st' st''
- -> PeerPipelined ps pr (st :: ps) tr m a)
- -> PeerPipelined ps pr (st :: ps) (Tr st' st'' ': tr) m a
- collect more tok k =
- CollectPartial more tok $ \msg ->
- CollectDone (k msg)
-- Providing a 'Collect' pattern is not streight forward becuase @stNext@ is
-- umibgous in @unlift -> k@ pattern, if if 'CollectPartial' is not
- unlift :: forall ps (pr :: PeerRole) (st :: ps)
- (st' :: ps)
- (st'' :: ps)
- (stNext :: ps)
- tr
- m a.
- (Typeable st'', Typeable stNext)
- => (Message ps st' stNext
- -> PeerPipelined ps pr st (Tr stNext st'' ': tr) m a)
- -> Message ps st' st''
- -> PeerPipelined ps pr st tr m a
- unlift k = \msg ->
- case eqT :: Maybe (st'' :~: stNext) of
- Just Refl ->
- case k msg of
- CollectDone k -> k
- pattern Collect :: Typeable st''
- => Maybe (PeerPipelined ps pr (st :: ps) (Tr st' st'' ': tr) m a)
- -> TheyHaveAgency pr st'
- -> (Message ps st' st''
- -> PeerPipelined ps pr (st :: ps) tr m a)
- -> PeerPipelined ps pr (st :: ps) (Tr st' st'' ': tr) m a
- pattern Collect more tok k <- CollectPartial more tok (unlift -> k)
-- PingPong Example
data PingPong where
StIdle :: PingPong
StBusy :: PingPong
StVeryBusy :: PingPong
StDone :: PingPong
instance Protocol PingPong where
data Message PingPong from to where
MsgPing :: Message PingPong StIdle StBusy
MsgPong :: Message PingPong StBusy StIdle
MsgDone :: Message PingPong StIdle StDone
MsgPingV :: Message PingPong StIdle StVeryBusy
MsgPongV :: Message PingPong StVeryBusy StVeryBusy
MsgPongDone :: Message PingPong StVeryBusy StIdle
data ClientHasAgency st where
TokIdle :: ClientHasAgency StIdle
data ServerHasAgency st where
TokBusy :: ServerHasAgency StBusy
TokVeryBusy :: ServerHasAgency StVeryBusy
data NobodyHasAgency st where
TokDone :: NobodyHasAgency StDone
exclusionLemma_ClientAndServerHaveAgency TokIdle tok = case tok of {}
exclusionLemma_NobodyAndClientHaveAgency TokDone tok = case tok of {}
exclusionLemma_NobodyAndServerHaveAgency TokDone tok = case tok of {}
deriving instance Show (Message PingPong from to)
instance Show (ClientHasAgency (st :: PingPong)) where
show TokIdle = "TokIdle"
instance Show (ServerHasAgency (st :: PingPong)) where
show TokBusy = "TokBusy"
show TokVeryBusy = "TokVeryBusy"
-- A non-pipelined PingPong.
pingPongClient :: a -> PeerPipelined PingPong AsClient StIdle '[] m a
pingPongClient a =
Yield (ClientAgency TokIdle) MsgPing
$ Await (ServerAgency TokBusy)
$ \MsgPong ->
Yield (ClientAgency TokIdle) MsgPing
$ Await (ServerAgency TokBusy)
$ \MsgPong ->
Yield (ClientAgency TokIdle) MsgDone
$ Done TokDone a
-- A pipelined 'PingPong', without partial collects.
-- This pipelining pattern is used by 'TxSubmission' mini-protocol.
pingPongClientPipelined :: a -> PeerPipelined PingPong AsClient StIdle '[] m a
pingPongClientPipelined a =
YieldPipelined (ClientAgency TokIdle) MsgPing
$ YieldPipelined (ClientAgency TokIdle) MsgPing
$ Collect Nothing (ServerAgency TokBusy)
$ \MsgPong ->
Collect Nothing (ServerAgency TokBusy)
$ \MsgPong ->
Yield (ClientAgency TokIdle) MsgDone
$ Done TokDone a
-- | A pipelined 'PingPong' which supports partial collects using the recursive 'collectV'.
-- This pipelining pattern is used by 'BlockFetch' mini-protocol.
pingPongClientPipelinedV :: a -> PeerPipelined PingPong AsClient StIdle '[] m a
pingPongClientPipelinedV a =
YieldPipelined (ClientAgency TokIdle) MsgPingV
$ YieldPipelined (ClientAgency TokIdle) MsgPingV
$ YieldPipelined (ClientAgency TokIdle) MsgPingV
$ collectV
$ collectV
$ collectV
$ Yield (ClientAgency TokIdle) MsgDone
$ Done TokDone a
-- recursievly collect responses, until 'MsgPongDone' is received
collectV :: PeerPipelined PingPong AsClient StIdle tk m a
-- ^ continuation
-> PeerPipelined PingPong AsClient StIdle
(Tr StVeryBusy StIdle ': tk) m a
collectV k =
CollectPartial Nothing (ServerAgency TokVeryBusy)
$ \msg -> case msg of
MsgPongV -> collectV k
MsgPongDone -> CollectDone k
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