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Last active September 23, 2017 09:27
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Array builder
module Main where
import Prelude
import Control.Monad.Eff (Eff)
import Control.Monad.Eff.Console (logShow)
import Control.Monad.ST (ST, pureST)
import Data.Foreign (Foreign, toForeign)
import Data.StrMap as StrMap
import Data.StrMap.ST as STStrMap
import Data.Array.ST as STArray
import Type.Row (class ListToRow, kind RowList, Nil, Cons)
import Type.Prelude (class IsSymbol, SProxy(..), reflectSymbol)
import TryPureScript (render, withConsole)
import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce)
-- Type-safe API for building records incrementally
class BuilderRep (b :: RowList -> Type) where
nil :: b Nil
cons :: forall r l a. IsSymbol l => SProxy l -> a -> b r -> b (Cons l a r)
-- A builder for a `Record r`.
type Builder r = forall b. BuilderRep b => b r
-- Build a record in place.
build :: forall r rl. ListToRow rl r => Builder rl -> Record r
build b = getImpl b
buildArray :: forall r rl. ListToRow rl r => Builder rl -> Array String
buildArray b = getArrayImpl b
-- In practice, we'd use this to build things inside type class
-- instances, but here's a simple example.
example = build (cons (SProxy :: SProxy "foo") 42
$ cons (SProxy :: SProxy "bar") "testing"
$ cons (SProxy :: SProxy "baz") 'ℕ' nil)
labels :: Array String
labels = buildArray (cons (SProxy :: SProxy "foo") 42
$ cons (SProxy :: SProxy "bar") "testing"
$ cons (SProxy :: SProxy "baz") 'ℕ' nil)
main = render =<< withConsole do
logShow example.baz
logShow labels
-- implementation details
newtype Impl h e (rl :: RowList) = Impl (STStrMap.STStrMap h Foreign -> Eff (st :: ST h | e) Unit)
getImpl :: forall r rl. ListToRow rl r => (forall h e. Impl h e rl) -> Record r
getImpl (Impl f) = unsafeCoerce $ StrMap.pureST do
m <-
f m
pure m
instance builderImpl :: BuilderRep (Impl h e) where
nil = Impl \_ -> pure unit
cons l a (Impl f) = Impl \m -> do
_ <- STStrMap.poke m (reflectSymbol l) (toForeign a)
f m
newtype ArrayImpl h e a (rl :: RowList) = ArrayImpl (STArray.STArray h a -> Eff (st :: ST h | e) Unit)
getArrayImpl :: forall a r rl. ListToRow rl r => (forall h e. ArrayImpl h e a rl) -> Array a
getArrayImpl (ArrayImpl f) = pureST do
m <- STArray.emptySTArray
f m
STArray.unsafeFreeze m
instance builderArrayImpl :: BuilderRep (ArrayImpl h e String) where
nil = ArrayImpl \_ -> pure unit
cons l a (ArrayImpl f) = ArrayImpl \m -> do
_ <- STArray.pushSTArray m (reflectSymbol l)
f m
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