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Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
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import argparse
import sys
import requests
import simplejson
from mailer import Mailer, Message
import time
URL = ''
TO_ADDR = ['']
def send_email(msg):
Sends the provided message to global recipients
# change the server and port to match what you want
sender = Mailer('', port=587, use_tls=True)
sender.login(FROM_ADDR, '')
def create_message(subject, body):
Returns a MIME message for sending
msg = Message()
msg.From = FROM_ADDR
msg.To = TO_ADDR
msg.Subject = subject
msg.Body = body
return msg
def get_game_info(appid):
Returns a dictionary of info about specified game
aid = str(appid)
info = {}
req = requests.get(URL + str(aid))
if req.json()[aid]['success'] == True:
return req.json()[aid]['data']['name'], aid
return 'none', aid
#return 'nunya', 100
def main():
The main function obviously
#args = get_args()
#if not args.appid:
#print 'Please specify a game ID'
stats = []
starttime = time.time()
outfile = open('data.txt', 'w')
for i in range(50,100):
info, gid = get_game_info(i)
if info != 'none':
#print gid, info
outfile.write(gid + ' ' + info)
tooktime = time.time() - starttime
stats.append('Time taken to scrape: ' + str(tooktime))
stats.append('Number of Items: ' + str(sum(1 for line in open('data.txt', 'r'))))
send_email(create_message('done scraping', '\n'.join(stats)))
if __name__ == '__main__':
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