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aws describe-services --query "services[*].[code,name]" --region us-east-1
Amazon EC2
Amazon Elastic Container Registry
Amazon Elastic Container Service
AWS Lambda
Amazon Virtual Private Cloud
AWS Elastic Beanstalk
Auto Scaling
Elastic Load Balancing
Amazon S3
Amazon EBS
Amazon Glacier
AWS Storage Gateway
Amazon RDS
Amazon DynamoDB
Amazon ElastiCache
Amazon Redshift
Amazon CloudFront
AWS Direct Connect
AWS CodeDeploy
Amazon CloudWatch
Amazon EC2 Systems Manager
Amazon CloudFormation
AWS CloudTrail
AWS Config
Amazon API Gateway
AWS Management Console
Amazon EMR
Amazon Kinesis
Amazon SWF
Amazon SQS
Amazon SNS
AWS Premium Support
AWS IoT Platform
AWS Deep Learning AMIs
studentmacbookpro:Hours student$ aws describe-services --query "services[*].[code,name]" --region us-east-1
usage: aws [options] <command> <subcommand> [<subcommand> ...] [parameters]
To see help text, you can run:
aws help
aws <command> help
aws <command> <subcommand> help
aws: error: argument command: Invalid choice, valid choices are:
acm | alexaforbusiness
apigateway | application-autoscaling
appstream | appsync
athena | autoscaling
autoscaling-plans | batch
budgets | ce
cloud9 | clouddirectory
cloudformation | cloudfront
cloudhsm | cloudhsmv2
cloudsearch | cloudsearchdomain
cloudtrail | cloudwatch
codebuild | codecommit
codepipeline | codestar
cognito-identity | cognito-idp
cognito-sync | comprehend
cur | datapipeline
dax | devicefarm
directconnect | discovery
dms | ds
dynamodb | dynamodbstreams
ec2 | ecr
ecs | efs
elasticache | elasticbeanstalk
elastictranscoder | elb
elbv2 | emr
es | events
firehose | gamelift
glacier | glue
greengrass | guardduty
health | iam
importexport | inspector
iot | iot-data
iot-jobs-data | kinesis
kinesis-video-archived-media | kinesis-video-media
kinesisanalytics | kinesisvideo
kms | lambda
lex-models | lex-runtime
lightsail | logs
machinelearning | marketplace-entitlement
marketplacecommerceanalytics | mediaconvert
medialive | mediapackage
mediastore | mediastore-data
meteringmarketplace | mgh
mobile | mq
mturk | opsworks
opsworkscm | organizations
pinpoint | polly
pricing | rds
redshift | rekognition
resource-groups | resourcegroupstaggingapi
route53 | route53domains
sagemaker | sagemaker-runtime
sdb | serverlessrepo
servicecatalog | servicediscovery
ses | shield
sms | snowball
sns | sqs
ssm | stepfunctions
storagegateway | sts
support | swf
transcribe | translate
waf | waf-regional
workdocs | workmail
workspaces | xray
s3api | s3
configure | deploy
configservice | opsworks-cm
runtime.sagemaker | history
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