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Created June 24, 2014 07:52
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Exploration of a confusion matrix using tangle.js
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Tangle: a JavaScript library for reactive documents</title>
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/* Here is the ugly brilliant hack that protects IE5/Win from its own stupidity.
Thanks to Tantek Celik for the hack and to Eric Costello for publicizing it.
IE5/Win incorrectly parses the "\"}"" value, prematurely closing the style
declaration. The incorrect IE5/Win value is above, while the correct value is
below. See for details. */
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a "be nice to Opera 5" rule every time you use the Tantek Celik hack (above). */
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/* Again, the ugly brilliant hack. */
voice-family: "\"}\"";
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I have trained my classifier to separate wolves from sheep. Let's say sheep is a postive result and wolf is a negative result (sorry wolves). I now need to test it on my test set. This consists of <span class="TKAdjustableNumber" data-min="2" data-max="500" data-var="testWolves"> wolves </span>
and <span class="TKAdjustableNumber" data-min="2" data-max="500" data-var="testSheep"> sheep </span>
That&#8217s <b data-var="testSubjects"> </b> test subjects altogether.
Say my classifier correctly identifies <span class="TKAdjustableNumber" data-min="2" data-max="500 " data-var="TP"> sheep </span> as sheep (true positives)
and <span class="TKAdjustableNumber" data-min="2" data-max="500" data-var="TN"> wolves </span> as wolves (true negatives)
This gives us the confusion matrix below:
<div id="diagrams" style="height:800px;width:500px;float:right;">
<canvas id="confusion" width="500" height="500" style="border:1px solid #c3c3c3;">
Your browser does not support the HTML5 canvas tag.
<div id="description" style="height:800;width:400px;float:left;">
Now some statistics that need to be untangled!
<b>Precision</b> (aka positive predictive value) is TP/(TP+FP). In our case <b data-var="TP"></b>/(<b data-var="TP"></b> + <b data-var="FP"></b>) = <b data-var="precision" data-format="p2"> </b>
<b>Recall</b> (aka sensitivity, power) is TP/(TP+FN). In our case <b data-var="TP"></b>/(<b data-var="TP"></b> + <b data-var="FN"></b>) = <b data-var="recall" data-format="p2"> </b>
<b>Specificity</b> is TN/(TN+FP). In our case <b data-var="TN"></b>/(<b data-var="TN"></b> + <b data-var="FP"></b>) = <b data-var="specificity" data-format="p2"> </b>
<b>Negative</b> predictive value is TN/(TN+FN). In our case <b data-var="TN"></b>/(<b data-var="TN"></b> + <b data-var="FN"></b>) = <b data-var="npv" data-format="p2"> </b>
<b>Accuracy</b> is (TP+TN)/(TP+TN+FP+FN). In our case (<b data-var="TP"></b> + <b data-var="TN"></b> )/(<b data-var="TP"></b> + <b data-var="TN"></b>+<b data-var="FP"></b> + <b data-var="FN"></b>) = <b data-var="accuracy" data-format="p2"> </b>
<b>False discovery rate</b> is FP/(FP+TP). In our case <b data-var="FP"></b>/(<b data-var="FP"></b> + <b data-var="TP"></b>) = <b data-var="fdr" data-format="p2"> </b>
<b>False positive rate</b> (aka false alarm rate, fall-out) is FP/(FP+TN). In our case <b data-var="FP"></b>/(<b data-var="FP"></b> + <b data-var="TN"></b>) = <b data-var="fpr" data-format="p2"> </b>
//Function for confusion matrix
function drawConfusion(x, y, tp, tn, fp, fn) {
var c = document.getElementById("confusion");
var ctx = c.getContext("2d");
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, 500, 250);
//Draw box
ctx.rect(x, y, 100, 100);
ctx.moveTo(x, y + 50);
ctx.lineTo(x + 100, y + 50);
ctx.moveTo(x + 50, y);
ctx.lineTo(x + 50, y + 100);
//Add values
ctx.font = '14pt Calibri';
ctx.fillText("The Confusion Matrix", x-30, y -70);
ctx.fillText(tp, x + 15, y + 33);
ctx.fillText(tn, x + 65, y + 83);
ctx.fillText(fp, x + 15, y + 83);
ctx.fillText(fn, x + 65, y + 33);
//Add labels
ctx.font = '12pt Calibri';
ctx.fillText('Predicted', x + 20, y - 35);
ctx.fillText('Actual', x - 75, y + 52);
ctx.font = '18pt Calibri';
ctx.fillText('+', x + 16, y - 10);
ctx.fillText('-', x + 66, y - 10);
ctx.fillText('+', x - 25, y + 33);
ctx.fillText('-', x - 25, y + 83);
function drawCircleChart(x, y, precision, recall, specificity, npv, accuracy, fdr, fpr) {
var c = document.getElementById("confusion");
var ctx = c.getContext("2d");
ctx.clearRect(x - 20, y - 20, 400, 200);
//Calc y co-ords
//Add bars
for (var i=0;i<7;i++)
ctx.moveTo(x+20+50*i, y+150);
ctx.lineTo(x+20+50*i, y);
ctx.moveTo(x, y);
ctx.lineTo(x+340, y);
ctx.moveTo(x, y+150);
ctx.lineTo(x+340, y+150);
//Not working because variable are out of scope
var yPR = y + (1 - precision) * 150;
var yRec = y + (1 - recall) * 150;
var ySpec = y + (1 - specificity) * 150;
var yNPV = y + (1 - npv) * 150;
var yAcc = y + (1 - accuracy) * 150;
var yFDR = y + (1 - fdr) * 150;
var yFPR = y + (1 - fpr) * 150;
ctx.moveTo(x + 35, yAcc);
ctx.arc(x + 20, yAcc, 15, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
ctx.moveTo(x + 85, yPR);
ctx.arc(x + 70, yPR, 15, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
ctx.moveTo(x + 135, yRec);
ctx.arc(x + 120, yRec, 15, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
ctx.moveTo(x + 185, ySpec);
ctx.arc(x + 170, ySpec, 15, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
ctx.moveTo(x + 235, yNPV);
ctx.arc(x + 220, yNPV, 15, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
ctx.moveTo(x + 285, yFDR);
ctx.arc(x + 270, yFDR, 15, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
ctx.moveTo(x + 335, yFPR);
ctx.arc(x + 320, yFPR, 15, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
ctx.fillStyle = 'pink';
ctx.fillStyle = 'black';
ctx.font = '11pt Calibri';
ctx.fillText("Acc", x + 9, 5 + yAcc);
ctx.fillText("Pr", x + 62, 5 + yPR);
ctx.fillText("Rec", x + 109, 5 + yRec);
ctx.fillText("SP", x + 159, 5 + ySpec);
ctx.fillText("NPV", x + 209, 5 + yNPV);
ctx.fillText("FDR", x + 259, 5 + yFDR);
ctx.fillText("FPR", x + 309, 5 + yFPR);
//var c = document.getElementById("confusion");
//var ctx = c.getContext("2d");
//ctx.font = '12pt Calibri';
//ctx.fillText(' Predicted ', 150, 125);
//ctx.font = '20pt Calibri';
//ctx.fillText(' + -', 150, 145);
//Main tangle
var tangle = new Tangle(document.getElementById("container"), {
initialize : function() {
this.testWolves = 50;
this.testSheep = 100;
this.testSubjects = 150;
this.TN = 20;
this.TP = 60;
this.FP = 30;
this.FN = 40;
this.precision = 60 / (60 + 30);
this.recall = 60 / (60 + 40);
this.specificity = 20 / (20 + 30);
this.npv = 20 / (20 + 40);
this.accuracy = (20 + 60) / 150;
this.fdr = 30 / (30 + 60);
this.fpr = 30 / (30 + 20);
update : function() {
//Update all statistics
this.testSubjects = this.testWolves + this.testSheep;
this.FP = this.testWolves - this.TN;
this.FN = this.testSheep - this.TP;
this.precision = this.TP / (this.TP + this.FP);
this.recall = this.TP / (this.TP + this.FN);
this.specificity = this.TN / (this.TN + this.FP);
this.npv = this.TN / (this.TN + this.FN);
this.accuracy = (this.TN + this.TP) / this.testSubjects;
this.fdr = this.FP / (this.FP + this.TP);
this.fpr = this.FP / (this.FP + this.TN);
//Update circle chart
if (this.TP<=this.testSheep & this.TN<=this.testWolves){
drawCircleChart(80, 300, this.precision, this.recall, this.specificity, this.npv, this.accuracy, this.fdr, this.fpr);
drawConfusion(200, 120, this.TP, this.TN, this.FP, this.FN);
var c = document.getElementById("confusion");
var ctx = c.getContext("2d");
ctx.fillText("Exceeded number in test set!", 50,100);
//var c = document.getElementById("confusion");
//var ctx = c.getContext("2d");
//ctx.clearRect(150, 150, 80, 80);
//ctx.rect(150, 150, 80, 80);
//ctx.moveTo(150, 190);
//ctx.lineTo(230, 190);
//ctx.moveTo(190, 150);
//ctx.lineTo(190, 230);
//ctx.font = '12pt Calibri';
//ctx.fillText(this.TP, 170, 180);
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