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Created February 25, 2014 17:38
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Save coppeliaMLA/9213856 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Creates all 5 letter permutations of words, ranks them by how pronounceable they are, checks that they are a word in some language then checks whether the domain is free.
Created on Feb 6, 2014
@author: sraper
import itertools, urllib, urllib2, time, re, random
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
def catchURL(queryURL): # Nicked this from someone. Afraid I can't remember who. Sorry
queryResponse = urllib.urlopen(queryURL)
except urllib2.HTTPError, E:
if E.code in [400, 420]:
print("400 or 420")
elif E.code == 503:
print("Wait 3 mins")
queryResponse = urllib.urlopen(queryURL)
return queryResponse
# Function to score name
def scoreName(name):
score = 0
#Vowel consonant map
vcMap = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
vowels = ['a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u']
conBlend = ['bl', 'br', 'pr', 'dr', 'fl', 'cl', 'gl', 'sl', 'cr', 'pl', 'fr', 'gr', 'tr', 'sc', 'sk', 'st', 'sw', 'sn', 'sm', 'wh', 'sh', 'th', 'tw', 'wr']
for j in range(5):
if name[j] in vowels:
vcMap[j] = 1
vowelCount = sum(vcMap)*3
if vowelCount < 7:
score = score + vowelCount
#Double consonant at beginning and end
if (sum(vcMap[0:1]) == 0 and ''.join(name[0:1]) not in conBlend) or (sum(vcMap[3:4]) == 0 and ''.join(name[3:4]) not in conBlend):
score = score-10
#Triple consontant anywhere
if sum(vcMap[0:2]) == 0 or sum(vcMap[1:3]) or sum(vcMap[2:4]) == 0:
score = score-10
score=score + random.random()
#Letters I like
# goodLetters = set(['z', 'q', 'u', 'o', 'x'])
# nameSet=set(name)
# goodLetterCount=len(goodLetters & nameSet)
# score = score + goodLetterCount
return score
perm=list(itertools.permutations(list(map(chr, range(97, 123))),5))
#Score the permutations
scores = []
for i in perm:
scores, perm = zip(*sorted(zip(scores, perm), reverse=True))
file = open('/Users/sraper/workfile.txt', 'w')
for i in perm[0:500]:
#Check its a word
possible= ''.join(i)
d=catchURL('' + possible + '&fulltext=Search')
dSoup = BeautifulSoup(d)
if dSoup.body.findAll(text=re.compile('There were no results matching the query'), limit=1)==[]:
print('It is a word')
#Check domain is free
soup = BeautifulSoup(f)
if soup.body.findAll(text=re.compile('already been registered'), limit=1)==[]:
print ('and it is free')
print "Finished"
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