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Created June 2, 2021 23:11
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CGX16 Zombie Taker
# Author: Gonen Cohen
# This file creates an inverse translation table to the one used by the zombies
# AFAIK the zombie translation table values do not have some special meaning or formula
# They are just the numbers 0-255 in a random order, which we inverse in order to speed up the translation
# I believe this code would actually be simpler in C but I was lazy and this is way more accessible
# Open zombie binary file
with open("ZOMA", 'rb') as binfile:
# Create list from bytes of the file starting from 0xcd
s = list(c for c in[0xcd:]
count = 0
# Initialize empty list
a = [None] * len(s)
# Fill list with inverse of the translation table in the zombie
# The object type is a string with the hex value inside
for thing in s:
a[thing] = '{:02X}'.format(count)
count += 1
# Join list to a usable format for TASM
a[-1] += 'h'
REM Author: Gonen Cohen
REM This is the quick command line assembly script for TASM
REM Put this in your path and run it by writing qasm {program name, no format/extension needed}
REM For example: qasm surv
REM The TASM line specifies two passes so that labels and memory locations would assemble correctly
TASM /m2 /t %1
TLINK /t %1
; Author: Gonen Cohen
; Solution to taking over zombies in CodeGuru Xtreme 16 (2021)
; Taking over zombies in this competition was very slow and space heavy, so it was rarely used as far as I know
; This code is in TASM syntax and should be compiled with certain flags which will be specified in the assembly script
; Although TASM has good features, it is an old non-free assembler that doesn't work on 32/64 bit computers (that is why DOSBOX is required)
; If you have some knowledge in using NASM and you know how to port this with the macro repetition, please do
MODEL tiny
ORG 100h
; JMP to the code inside the basic smart bomb protection
; Couldn't figure out the syntax to make jmp short work on tasm so I defined it manually
; Offset is calculated in preprocessor, 2 is added because of the obfuscation spacing
db 0EBh, ((ttbl - mac) / 2) + 2
; Obfuscation spacing, this tricks a disassembler sometimes (depends on code) so that the order of opcodes changes
db 0
; Repeat the code twice for smart bomb protection, creating a total of 3 copies, the middle is used
; Define local labels to fix redefining labels when theyre duplicated
; If you happen to add more labels make sure you make them local
rept 2
local beg
local hold
local start
local l1
local l2
local l2end
local aftersurv
local after
local l3
local shooter
; Write our location to shared memory
mov cx, 0Ch
; Wait for zombies to write into 8100-8800 by gaining energy, the loop counter is based on some trial and error
loop hold
; Zombies will always write to 8100-8800 and to 0100-0800 aswell, but they write to the 8000 range first
mov bx, 08100h
mov cx, 8
; Read and overwrite scrambled locations in the range, we do this as fast as possible
push [bx]
mov [word bx], 0CCCCh
; Move down one row in the field by incrementing "y value", (0, 0) is the top left of the field
inc bh
loop l1
; Initilize table address
mov bx, ax
add bx, offset ttbl - init
mov cx, 8
; Loop over stack and check if address might be legit
pop ax
cmp ax, 0CCCCh
je l2end
; Unscramble locations from stack
xchg al, ah
xor ah, al
xchg ax, bx
; Inject into zombie - mov bx, {the address to the after label} & jmp bx
; We are injecting into a very specific point in a loop where the zombie wastes most of his time
; Refer to the zombie disassembly for more details
sub ax, offset ttbl - after
mov [byte bx + 072h], 0BBh
mov [bx + 073h], ax
mov [word bx + 075h], 0E3FFh
; Change bx back to table address and loop
xchg ax, bx
add bx, offset ttbl - after
loop l2
; Put original address back in ax for the survivor
sub bx, offset ttbl - init
mov ax, bx
; Zombies start here, save es and pop ds into it for bombing
; Very basic bombing and shooting procedure
push ds
push ds
pop ss
pop es
mov di, ax
cmp ax, bx
je shooter
; Use up both our bombs
; Gain more energy while the main survivor finishes running the zombie takeover code to avoid killing him
mov cx, 020h
loop l3
mov ax, 050ABh
mov bx, di
jmp bx
; End repeating 'macro'
; Translation table generated from
ttbl db 000h,02Eh,088h,0A6h,02Bh,005h,0A3h,08Dh,093h,0BDh,01Bh,035h,0B8h,096h,030h,01Eh,04Eh,060h,0C6h,0E8h,065h,04Bh,0EDh,0C3h,0DDh,0F3h,055h,07Bh,0F6h,0D8h,07Eh,050h,0FAh,0D4h,072h,05Ch
db 0D1h,0FFh,059h,077h,069h,047h,0E1h,0CFh,042h,06Ch,0CAh,0E4h,0B4h,09Ah,03Ch,012h,09Fh,0B1h,017h,039h,027h,009h,0AFh,081h,00Ch,022h,084h,0AAh,06Ah,044h,0E2h,0CCh,041h,06Fh,0C9h,0E7h,0F9h,0D7h
db 071h,05Fh,0D2h,0FCh,05Ah,074h,024h,00Ah,0ACh,082h,00Fh,021h,087h,0A9h,0B7h,099h,03Fh,011h,09Ch,0B2h,014h,03Ah,090h,0BEh,018h,036h,0BBh,095h,033h,01Dh,003h,02Dh,08Bh,0A5h,028h,006h,0A0h,08Eh
db 0DEh,0F0h,056h,078h,0F5h,0DBh,07Dh,053h,04Dh,063h,0C5h,0EBh,066h,048h,0EEh,0C0h,080h,0AEh,008h,026h,0ABh,085h,023h,00Dh,013h,03Dh,09Bh,0B5h,038h,016h,0B0h,09Eh,0CEh,0E0h,046h,068h,0E5h,0CBh
db 06Dh,043h,05Dh,073h,0D5h,0FBh,076h,058h,0FEh,0D0h,07Ah,054h,0F2h,0DCh,051h,07Fh,0D9h,0F7h,0E9h,0C7h,061h,04Fh,0C2h,0ECh,04Ah,064h,034h,01Ah,0BCh,092h,01Fh,031h,097h,0B9h,0A7h,089h,02Fh,001h
db 08Ch,0A2h,004h,02Ah,0EAh,0C4h,062h,04Ch,0C1h,0EFh,049h,067h,079h,057h,0F1h,0DFh,052h,07Ch,0DAh,0F4h,0A4h,08Ah,02Ch,002h,08Fh,0A1h,007h,029h,037h,019h,0BFh,091h,01Ch,032h,094h,0BAh,010h,03Eh
db 098h,0B6h,03Bh,015h,0B3h,09Dh,083h,0ADh,00Bh,025h,0A8h,086h,020h,00Eh,05Eh,070h,0D6h,0F8h,075h,05Bh,0FDh,0D3h,0CDh,0E3h,045h,06Bh,0E6h,0C8h,06Eh,040h
; Pad the rest of the program size with CC
db 512-($-init) dup (0CCh)
end init
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