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Last active October 4, 2015 15:18
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The State monad
module Categories.Agda.State where
open import Categories.Category
open import Categories.Agda
open import Categories.Agda.Product
open import Categories.Functor hiding (_≡_)
open import Categories.Functor.Product
open import Categories.Functor.Hom
open import Categories.Monad
open import Categories.Adjunction
open import Data.Product
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
-- The traditional form of the monad
StateM : ∀ {ℓ} (S : Set ℓ) → Monad (Sets ℓ)
StateM S = record
{ F = record
{ F₀ = λ A → S → (A × S)
; F₁ = λ f g → λ s → map f (λ x → x) (g s)
; identity = refl
; homomorphism = refl
; η = record { η = λ _ → _,_; commute = λ _ → refl }
; μ = record { η = λ _ → λ f → λ s → uncurry (λ f → f) (f s); commute = λ _ → refl }
; assoc = refl
; identityˡ = refl
; identityʳ = refl
module FromAdjunction ℓ where
-- Our (,a) functor
[-×_] : Set ℓ → Functor (Sets ℓ) (Sets ℓ)
[-× S ] = Sets ℓ [ binaryProducts ℓ ][-× S ]
-- We get our (a ->) functor from here, as Hom[ a ,-]
open Hom (Sets ℓ)
-- Exponential would work here instead of Hom, too, but I don't the machinery for that yet
Adj : (S : Set ℓ) → Adjunction [-× S ] Hom[ S ,-]
Adj S = record
{ unit = record { η = λ _ → _,_; commute = λ _ → refl }
; counit = record { η = λ _ → uncurry (λ f → f); commute = λ _ → refl }
; zig = refl
; zag = refl
-- Make a monad from the adjunction
StateM′ : (S : Set ℓ) → Monad (Sets ℓ)
StateM′ S = Adjunction.monad (Adj S)
-- The monads are equal!
proof : StateM ≡ StateM′
proof = refl
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