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Last active January 5, 2018 21:56
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ocamlbuild \
-pkg containers \
-pkg lwt \
-pkg yojson \
-pkg conduit.lwt-unix \
-pkg nocrypto \
-pkg nocrypto.unix \
-pkg websocket.lwt \
-cflags "-w A-4-40-41-42-44" \
-cflags "-warn-error A-26-39-32-27-45-48-52-58"\
-no-hygiene \
-use-ocamlfind \
-j 3 \
-tag strict_sequence \
-tag safe_string \
-tag thread \
-tag bin_annot \
-tag short_paths \
-tag 'color(always)' \
-tag 'optimize(3)' \
websocket.native --
open Lwt.Infix
module Json = Yojson.Safe
module Frame = Websocket_lwt.Frame
let make_frame content = Frame.create ~content ~final:true ~opcode:Frame.Opcode.Text ()
let main () =
let random_generator = Nocrypto.Rng.create (module Nocrypto.Rng.Generators.Fortuna) in
Nocrypto_entropy_unix.initialize ();
Nocrypto_entropy_unix.reseed random_generator;
let ctx = Conduit_lwt_unix.default_ctx in
let mode = `TCP (`Port 3000) in
let random_string = Rng.nocrypto ~g:random_generator in
let clients = CCVector.create () in
let msg_count = ref 0 in
let rec print () =
Lwt_io.printf "%d %d\n" !msg_count (CCVector.length clients) >>= fun () ->
Lwt_unix.sleep 0.3 >>= fun () ->
print ()
Lwt.ignore_result (print ());
let handle _id _http_request recv send =
CCVector.push clients send;
let rec loop () =
recv () >>= fun frame ->
msg_count := !msg_count + 1;
let request = frame.Frame.content in
match Json.from_string request with
| `Assoc ["type", `String "broadcast"; "payload", payload] ->
let broadcast_response = Json.to_string
(`Assoc ["type", `String "broadcast"; "payload", payload]) in
let broadcast_frame = make_frame broadcast_response in
CCVector.iter begin fun send ->
Lwt.ignore_result (send broadcast_frame)
end clients;
let content = Json.to_string
(`Assoc ["type", `String "broadcastResult"; "payload", payload]) in
let frame = make_frame content in
Lwt.ignore_result (send frame);
loop ()
| `Assoc ["type", `String "echo"; "payload", payload] ->
let content = Json.to_string
(`Assoc ["type", `String "echo"; "payload", payload]) in
let frame = make_frame content in
Lwt.ignore_result (send frame);
loop ()
| _ ->
assert false
loop ()
Websocket_lwt.establish_server ~ctx ~mode ~random_string handle
let () = (main ())
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