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Created October 25, 2015 20:39
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module Timeline
type timestamp = nat
type timespan = x:nat{x>0}
type count = nat
type bucket 'a = {
time: timestamp;
content: 'a;
type timeline 'a = {
buckets: list (bucket 'a);
timespan: timespan;
val create : timespan -> Tot (timeline 'a)
let create timespan =
buckets = [];
timespan = timespan;
val round : timestamp -> timespan -> Tot timestamp
let round t span = t - t % span
let assert_round1 = assert (forall y. round 0 y = 0)
val modify : timeline 'a -> timestamp -> (option 'a -> Tot 'a) -> Tot (timeline 'a)
let modify timeline current_time f =
let new_buckets = match timeline.buckets with
| [] ->
[{ time = current_time; content = f None; }]
| last :: remaining ->
if round last.time timeline.timespan = round current_time timeline.timespan then
{ last with content = f (Some last.content); } :: remaining
{ time = current_time; content = f None; } :: last :: remaining
timeline with
buckets = new_buckets;
(* should be inner function of inc, blocked by
val do_inc: option count -> Tot count
let do_inc x = match x with
| None -> 1
| Some x -> x + 1
val inc : timeline count -> timestamp -> Tot (timeline count)
let inc timeline current_time =
modify timeline current_time do_inc
val fold_left : ('a -> 'b -> Tot 'a) -> 'a -> timeline 'b -> Tot 'a
let fold_left f init timeline = List.fold_leftT (fun a b -> f a b.content) init timeline.buckets
val remove_old : timeline 'a -> timestamp -> Tot (timeline 'a)
let remove_old timeline before =
let f b = b.time >= before in
timeline with
buckets = List.filterT f timeline.buckets;
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