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Created May 4, 2021 18:38
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open Astring
let request_uri =
try Unix.unsafe_getenv "REQUEST_URI"
with Not_found -> ""
let request_method =
match Unix.unsafe_getenv "REQUEST_METHOD" with
| exception Not_found -> `Get
| "GET" -> `Get
| "POST" -> `Post
| "HEAD" -> `Head
| m -> `Other m
type request = {
name: string;
start: int;
end_: int;
let sanitise s =
String.filter (function '/' -> false | _ -> true) s
let parse_filename filename =
let (let*) = Option.bind in
let to_pos_int x = Option.bind (String.to_int x) (fun x -> if x >= 0 then Some x else None) in
let* (x, extension) = String.cut ~rev:true ~sep:"." filename in
let* (x, end_) = String.cut ~rev:true ~sep:"-" x in
let* end_ = to_pos_int end_ in
let* (base, start) = String.cut ~rev:true ~sep:"-" x in
let* start = to_pos_int start in
if start < end_ then
Some {
name = sanitise (base ^ "." ^ extension);
else None
let respond_with_error status fmt =
begin match status with
| `Not_found ->
print_string "Status: 404 Not found\n"
| `Method_not_allowed ->
print_string "Status: 405 Method Not Allowed\n"
print_string "Content-type: text/plain\n\n";
Printf.ksprintf print_endline fmt
let respond_with_unix_error status (e, func, param) =
respond_with_error status "%s %s %s" (Unix.error_message e) func param
let catch_unix f =
try Ok (f ()) with Unix.Unix_error (e, func, param) -> Error (e, func, param)
let write_stdout s =
let bytes_written = Unix.write_substring Unix.stdout s 0 (String.length s) in
assert (bytes_written = String.length s)
let rec respond_loop remaining fd buffer did_send_headers =
if remaining >= 0 then (
match catch_unix (fun () -> fd buffer 0 (min remaining (Bytes.length buffer))) with
| Error e ->
if not did_send_headers then respond_with_unix_error `Not_found e
| Ok bytes_read when bytes_read <= 0 ->
if not did_send_headers then respond_with_error `Not_found "read returned %d" bytes_read
| Ok bytes_read ->
if not did_send_headers then (
write_stdout "Content-type: application/octet-stream\n\n"
match catch_unix (fun () -> Unix.write Unix.stdout buffer 0 bytes_read) with
| Error e -> if not did_send_headers then respond_with_unix_error `Not_found e
| Ok bytes_written ->
assert (bytes_written = bytes_read);
respond_loop (remaining - bytes_read) fd buffer true
let () =
let source_dir =
try Unix.unsafe_getenv "IMAGESERVER_DIR"
with Not_found -> ""
if request_method <> `Get && request_method <> `Head then
respond_with_error `Method_not_allowed "Bad method"
let filename = Filename.basename request_uri in
match parse_filename filename with
| None ->
respond_with_error `Not_found "Bad range"
| Some r ->
let fd = catch_unix (fun () -> Unix.openfile (Filename.concat source_dir [Unix.O_RDONLY] 0) in
match fd with
| Error e ->
respond_with_unix_error `Not_found e
| Ok fd ->
~finally:(fun () ->
let _ : (unit, _) result = catch_unix (fun () -> Unix.close fd) in
(fun () ->
let offset = catch_unix (fun () -> Unix.lseek fd r.start Unix.SEEK_SET) in
match offset with
| Error e -> respond_with_unix_error `Not_found e
| Ok _offset -> (* Note: Actual seek offset provides no useful information *)
let length = r.end_ - r.start in
let chunk_size = min 65536 length in
let buffer = Bytes.create chunk_size in
respond_loop length fd buffer false)
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