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Last active July 29, 2019 01:29
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  • Save copygirl/610db9d3b4a1217033e2c2b8a3583c3c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save copygirl/610db9d3b4a1217033e2c2b8a3583c3c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
local component = require("component");
local sides = require("sides");
package.loaded["./resources"] = nil
local resources = require("./resources");
function pretty_amount(n)
if n < 1000 then return string.format("%.0f", n)
elseif n < 1000000 then return string.format("%.1fK", n / 1000)
else return string.format("%.1fM", n / 1000000) end
local transposer = component.transposer
local stacks = transposer.getAllStacks(sides.bottom)
local count = stacks.count()
local compacted = {}
for i=1, stacks.count() do
local stack = stacks()
if stack.size and stack.size > 0 then
local lookup = resources.lookup[stack.label]
if lookup then
local c = compacted[]
if not c then
c = {}
compacted[] = c
c[lookup.type] = (c[lookup.type] or 0) + stack.size
print(string.format("%4s %s",
pretty_amount(stack.size), stack.label))
function add_part(str, label, amount, width)
if not width then width = #label end
if #str > 1 then str = str .. " | " end
if amount == nil then return str .. string.rep(" ", width + 5) end
return str .. string.format("%4s %-" .. width .. "s",
pretty_amount(amount), label)
for name,d in pairs(compacted) do
local data =[name]
local line = ""
line = add_part(line, data.default_label, (d._default_ or 0), 14)
line = add_part(line, d.Block == 1 and "Block" or "Blocks", d.Block, 6)
line = add_part(line, "Ore", d.Ore)
line = add_part(line, "Dust", d.Dust)
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