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copyleftdev /
Created September 5, 2024 05:40
🖤 The Evil 'Ol Hacker's One-Liner Cheat Sheet 🖤

🖤 The Evil 'Ol Hacker's One-Liner Cheat Sheet 🖤

1. 🌀 Fork Bomb (Denial of Service)

Recursively spawns processes until the system crashes.

:(){ :|: & };:  # 🧨 Boom!
copyleftdev /
Created August 28, 2024 07:50
CSS Selector Cheat Sheet with Advanced Bitwise Operators

CSS Selector Cheat Sheet with Advanced Bitwise Operators

Basic Selectors

Selector Example Description
* * { } Selects all elements
elementname p { } Selects all <p> elements
.classname .intro { } Selects all elements with class="intro"
#idname #firstname { } Selects the element with id="firstname"
copyleftdev /
Created August 27, 2024 03:20
Rust-Based Web Crawler with Kafka and PostgreSQL Integration - Design Specification

Rust-Based Web Crawler with Kafka and PostgreSQL Integration - Design Specification

1. Introduction

1.1 Overview

This document outlines the design specification for a high-performance Rust-based web crawler integrated with Apache Kafka and PostgreSQL. The crawler will act as a worker within a distributed system, consuming URLs from Kafka topics, crawling the associated web pages, and storing the results in a PostgreSQL database. Docker Compose will be utilized to manage the infrastructure, ensuring seamless deployment and orchestration of the services.

1.2 Objectives

  • Develop a high-performance web crawler using Rust that integrates with Kafka and PostgreSQL.
  • Ensure scalable crawling of up to 10 million websites.
copyleftdev /
Created August 24, 2024 07:03
The Ultimate Guide to Managing Multiple SSH Keys

🔐 The Ultimate Guide to Managing Multiple SSH Keys

🚀 Basic Concepts

  • 🔑 SSH keys consist of a public key and a private key
  • 📂 Keys are typically stored in ~/.ssh/
  • 🔒 Private keys should be kept secure and never shared
  • 📤 Public keys are added to remote servers or services

📊 Creating SSH Keys

copyleftdev /
Created August 24, 2024 07:00
The Ultimate Grep Command Guide

🔍 The Ultimate Grep Command Guide

🚀 Basic Usage

Command Description Example
grep pattern file 🔎 Search for a pattern in a file grep error logfile.txt
grep -i pattern file 🔠 Case-insensitive search grep -i ERROR logfile.txt
grep -w word file 🔤 Match whole words only grep -w error logfile.txt
grep -v pattern file ❌ Invert match (show lines that don't match) grep -v success logfile.txt
copyleftdev /
Created August 24, 2024 06:58
The Ultimate Tail Command Guide

📜 The Ultimate Tail Command Guide

🚀 Basic Usage

Command Description Example
tail file.txt 📄 Display the last 10 lines of a file tail /var/log/syslog
tail -n 20 file.txt 🔢 Display the last 20 lines of a file tail -n 20 /var/log/auth.log
tail -c 100 file.txt 📏 Display the last 100 bytes of a file tail -c 100 /etc/passwd
copyleftdev / gist:be99c8be50e2119a979aa275fe165e8d
Created August 24, 2024 06:56
Linux Penetration Testing with GNU Utils: The Ultimate Cheat Sheet

🐧 Linux Penetration Testing with GNU Utils: The Ultimate Cheat Sheet

DISCLAIMER: This information is for educational purposes only. Always obtain proper authorization before performing any penetration testing activities. Unauthorized testing is illegal and unethical.

🔍 Information Gathering

Command Description Example
netstat 🌐 Network connections, routing tables, interface statistics netstat -tuln
ss 🔌 Socket statistics ss -tuln
copyleftdev /
Created August 24, 2024 06:53
Log Analysis Mastery: The Ultimate Cheat Sheet

📊 Log Analysis Mastery: The Ultimate Cheat Sheet

📜 Basic Log Viewing

Command Description Example
cat 📄 Display entire log file cat /var/log/syslog
less 📃 View log file with pagination less /var/log/auth.log
tail 🔚 View end of log file tail /var/log/apache2/access.log
head 🔝 View beginning of log file head /var/log/mysql/error.log
copyleftdev /
Created August 24, 2024 06:51
GNU Parallel Mastery: The Ultimate Cheat Sheet

🚀 GNU Parallel Mastery: The Ultimate Cheat Sheet

📊 Basic Usage

Command Description Example
parallel echo ::: A B C 🔤 Process items in parallel Output: A, B, C (in any order)
parallel echo {} ::: *.txt 🔍 Use {} as placeholder Echoes names of all .txt files
cat file.txt | parallel echo 📥 Read input from stdin Processes each line of file.txt
parallel -j4 command ::: item1 item2 item3 🔢 Limit to 4 jobs at a time Runs 'command' on items, max 4 parallel
copyleftdev /
Created August 24, 2024 06:49
Bash Command Chaining Mastery: The Ultimate Cheat Sheet

🔗 Bash Command Chaining Mastery: The Ultimate Cheat Sheet

🔗 Basic Command Chaining

Operator Description Example
; 📊 Run commands sequentially echo "Hello"; echo "World"
&& ✅ Run next command only if previous succeeds mkdir dir && cd dir
|| ❌ Run next command only if previous fails ping -c1 || echo "Offline"
| 🚿 Pipe output of one command to another ls -l | grep ".txt"