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Forked from borkdude/aoc_ui.cljs
Last active December 3, 2023 01:28
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AOC ui boilerplate
(require '[clojure.string :as str])
#_(assoc-in! (js/document.querySelector "#compiledCode") [:style :display] :none)
(when-not (js/document.querySelector "#aoc_token")
(let [create-element (fn create-element [tag attributes]
(let [element (js/document.createElement tag)]
(doseq [[key value] attributes]
(aset element key value))
prepend (fn prepend
(prepend js/document.body element))
([container element]
(.prepend container element)))
append (fn append
(append js/document.body element))
([container element]
(.append container element)))]
{"innerText" ".flex { display: flex }
.flex-row { flex-direction: row }
.flex-col { flex-direction: column }
.gap-0-5 { gap: 0.5rem }
.gap-0-25 { gap: 0.25rem }
.items-center { align-items: center }
.self-center { align-self: center }
.justify-items-center { justify-items: center }
.mb-15 { margin-bottom: 15px }
.mb-0 { margin-bottom: 0 }
.ml-10 { margin-left: 10px }
.p-10 { padding: 10px }
.w-min { width: min-content }
.font-size-0-75 { font-size: 0.75rem }
.whitespace-nowrap { white-space: nowrap }
.text-wrap-balance { text-wrap: balance }
.border-grey-1 { border: 1px solid grey }
.border-radius-10 { border-radius: 10px }"}))
(let [aoc-container (create-element "div" {"id" "aoc_container"
"classList" "flex flex-col gap-0-25 mb-15 ml-10"})
form-container (create-element "div" {"id" "aoc_form_container"
"classList" "flex flex-row gap-0-5 items-center whitespace-nowrap"})
help-container (create-element "div" {"id" "aoc_help_container"
"innerHTML" "<b>NOTE:</b> To get your token you must visit the Advent of Code website, log in, and get the value the cookie named &quot;session&quot;."
"classList" "font-size-0-75 text-wrap-balance"})]
(prepend form-container (create-element "button" {"innerText" "Save!" "onclick" js/compile}))
(prepend form-container (create-element "input" {"type" "password" "id" "aoc_token"}))
(prepend form-container (create-element "label" {"innerText" "AOC token: "
"for" "aoc_token"
"classList" "whitespace-nowrap"}))
(prepend aoc-container help-container)
(prepend aoc-container form-container)
(prepend aoc-container))
(let [output-container (create-element "div" {"id" "aoc_output_container"
"classList" "border-grey-1 border-radius-10 p-10 flex flex-col gap-0-25"})
output (create-element "div" {"id" "aoc_output"
"classList" "flex flex-col gap-0-25"})
button-wrapper (create-element "div")
clear-button (create-element "button" {"innerText" "Clear"
"classList" "mb-0"
"onclick" (fn [] (aset (js/document.getElementById "aoc_output") "innerHTML" ""))})]
(append button-wrapper clear-button)
(append output-container button-wrapper)
(append output-container output)
(append js/document.body output-container))))
(defn get-token []
(.-value (js/document.querySelector "#aoc_token")))
;; sync token with local storage
(defn sync-token []
(js/console.log "Saving token...")
(let [token (get-token)]
(if (pos? (count token))
(do (prn :token token)
(js/localStorage.setItem "AOC_TOKEN" token))
(set! (js/document.querySelector "#aoc_token")
-value (js/localStorage.getItem "AOC_TOKEN")))))
#_(+ 1 2 3)
(defn append [str]
(doto (js/document.createElement "div")
(set! -innerText str))))
(defn ^:async fetch-input [year day]
(when-let [token (get-token)]
(let [resp (js-await (js/fetch (str "" year "&day=" day "&aoc-token="
txt (js-await (.text resp))]
(defn append [s]
(let [output (doto (js/document.createElement "div")
(set! -style "display: flex; flex-direction: row; gap: 0.5rem"))
date (doto (js/document.createElement "b")
(set! -innerText (str (.toLocaleString (js/Date.)) ":")))
text (doto (js/document.createElement "div")
(set! -innerText s))
output-container (js/document.getElementById "aoc_output")]
(.append output date)
(.append output text)
(.append output-container output)))
(defn spy [x]
(js/console.log x)
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