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Last active December 26, 2021 07:07
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A proof of concept to define a read-only range in the Monaco editor
//#region dom.js
/** @typedef {boolean|number|bigint|string} Scalar */
/** @param {string} content */
function appendStyleSheet (content)
const style = document.createElement ("style")
style.textContent = content
document.head.append (style)
//#region intervals.js
// import { appendStyleSheet } from "../dom.js"
// /**
// * @typedef {import ("./types").Interval} Interval
// * @typedef {import ("./types").ReadonlyInterval} ReadonlyInterval
// */
* @typedef {[number, number]} Interval
* @typedef {readonly [number, number]} ReadonlyInterval
/** @param {monaco.editor.ICodeEditor} editor */
function SynchronizedIntervals (editor)
* @typedef {(intervals: readonly ReadonlyInterval[]) => void} Callback
/** @type {monaco.IRange[]} */
var ranges = []
/** @type {Interval[]} */
var intervals = []
/** @type {Callback[]} */
const callbacks = []
* @param {number} startLine
* @param {number} startColumn
* @param {number} endLine
* @param {number} endColumn
const exclude = (startLine, startColumn, endLine, endColumn) => {
ranges.push ({
startLineNumber: startLine,
endLineNumber: endLine,
createIntervals ()
dispatch ()
/** @param {Callback} callback */
const attach = (callback) => {
if (callbacks.indexOf (callback) < 0)
callbacks.push (callback)
/** @param {Callback} callback */
const detach = (callback) => {
const i = callbacks.indexOf (callback)
if (i < 0) return
callbacks.splice (i, 1)
const dispatch = () => {
for (var cb of callbacks) {
try {
cb (intervals)
} catch (error) {
console.error (error)
const createIntervals = () =>
const model = editor.getModel ()
if (!model) return
intervals = mergeIntervals ( => {
return [
model.getOffsetAt({ lineNumber: r.startLineNumber, column: r.startColumn }),
model.getOffsetAt({ lineNumber: r.endLineNumber, column: r.endColumn })
/*mergeJoins*/ true
if (intervals.length > 0)
if (intervals[0][0] <= 0)
intervals[0][0] = NEGATIVE_INFINITY
if (intervals[intervals.length - 1][1] >= model.getValueLength ())
intervals[intervals.length - 1][1] = POSITIVE_INFINITY
const onDidChangeModel = editor.onDidChangeModel (event =>
console.log ("onModel")
createIntervals ()
updateDecorations ()
console.log ("computed interval", copyIntervals (intervals))
const onDidChangeModelContent = editor.onDidChangeModelContent (event =>
console.log ("onContent")
var change, i, offset
for (change of event.changes)
offset = change.text.length - change.rangeLength
console.log(" - at", change.rangeOffset, "push", offset)
for (i = 0; i < intervals.length; i++) {
if (change.rangeOffset < intervals[i][0]) break
if (change.rangeOffset < intervals[i][1]) { intervals[i][1] += offset; break }
for (/**/; i < intervals.length; i++) {
intervals[i][0] += offset
intervals[i][1] += offset
updateDecorations ()
console.log (" - updated intervals", copyIntervals (intervals))
const dispose = () =>
onDidChangeModel.dispose ()
onDidChangeModelContent.dispose ()
// ---
/** @type {string[]} */
var oldDecorations = []
var style = /*css*/`
.idoc-readonly-mark {
background: hsl(195deg 20% 95%);
if (style) {
appendStyleSheet (style)
style = null
const show = () => {
attach (updateDecorations)
updateDecorations ()
const hide = () => {
detach (updateDecorations)
oldDecorations = editor.deltaDecorations (oldDecorations, [])
const updateDecorations = () => {
oldDecorations = editor.deltaDecorations (oldDecorations, (createDecoration))
* @param {Interval} interval
* @returns {monaco.editor.IModelDeltaDecoration}
const createDecoration = (interval) =>
const start = editor.getModel ().getPositionAt (interval[0])
const end = editor.getModel ().getPositionAt (interval[1])
return {
range: new monaco.Range (start.lineNumber, start.column, end.lineNumber, end.column),
options: {
className: 'idoc-readonly-mark',
return {
/** @returns {Interval[]} */
get buffer () { return intervals },
* @param {Interval[]} intervals
* @return {Interval[]}
function copyIntervals (intervals)
return (i => i.slice (0))
* @param {Interval} interval
* @param {Interval[]} excludedIntervals
* @param {-1|0|1} prefer - used in case the whole interval is excluded.
* - if `prefer` is 0 then the interval is deleted.
* - if `prefer` is -1 then the interval placed at the beginning of the interval which excludes it.
* - if `prefer` is +1 then the interval placed at the end of the interval which excludes it
function excludeIntervals (interval, excludedIntervals, prefer)
var inverted = false
/** @return {Interval[]} */
const prepare = (/** @type {Interval} */ a) =>
a[1] < a[0]
? (inverted = true, [[ a[1], a[0] ]])
: [[...a]]
const finalize = (/** @type {Interval[]} */ a) =>
? => a[1] > a[0] ? swap(a) : a).reverse()
: a
var m
const swap = (/** @type {Interval} */a) => ( m=a[1], a[1]=a[0], a[0]=m, a )
var result = prepare (interval)
/** @type {Interval[]} */
var div
var e, i, index,
iStart, iEnd, eStart, eEnd
i = result[0]
for (e of excludedIntervals)
eStart = e[0]
eEnd = e[1]
for (index = 0; index < result.length; index++)
i = result[index]
iStart = i[0]
iEnd = i[1]
// |~~~| represents an excluded interval
// |+++| represents an included interval
// | represents an included interval that begins and ends at the same offset
if (iStart < eStart)
// |~~~~~~~|
// |++|
// |
if (iEnd < eStart)
div = [i]
// |=======|
// |+++|
// |+++++++|
// |+++++++++++|
else if (iEnd <= eEnd)
div = [[iStart, eStart - 1]]
// |=======|
// |+++++++++++++++|
div = [[iStart, eStart - 1], [eEnd + 1, iEnd]]
else if (iStart <= eEnd)
div = prefer === 0 ? []
: [[eEnd + 1, eEnd + 1]]
div = prefer === 0 ? []
: [[eStart - 1, eStart - 1]]
// |=======|
// |++++|
// |+++++++|
// |++|
// |+++++|
// |
// |
// |
if (iEnd <= eEnd)
div = prefer < 0 ? [[eStart - 1, eStart - 1]]
: prefer > 0 ? [[eEnd + 1, eEnd + 1]]
: []
// |=======|
// |++++++++++|
// |++++++++|
div = [[eEnd + 1, iEnd]]
// |=======|
// |+++|
// |
div = [i]
result.splice (index, 1, ...div)
if (result.length === 1 && result[0][1] < eStart)
return finalize (result)
return finalize (result)
* @param {Interval[]} intervals
* @param {boolean} mergeJoins
* used in the case where two intervals form a sequence without spaces, like `[[0, 5], [6, 10]]`.
* - if `mergeJoins` is true then the result is merged as `[[0, 10]]`
* - otherwise the result is identical
function mergeIntervals (intervals, mergeJoins)
if (intervals.length < 2)
return intervals
/** @type {Interval[]} */ var merged = []
/** @type {Interval} */ var prev = null
var tmp, next
intervals = intervals
.map ((a) => a[1] < a[0] ? (tmp=a[1],a[1]=a[0],a[1]=tmp,a) : a)
.sort ((a, b) => a[0] - b[0])
merged.push (intervals[0])
for (var i = 1; i < intervals.length; i++)
prev = merged[merged.length-1]
next = intervals[i]
if (prev[1] === next[0] && !mergeJoins) {
merged.push (next)
else if (prev[1] === next[0]-1 && mergeJoins) {
prev[1] = next[1]
merged.splice (merged.length-1, 1, prev)
else if (prev[1] < next[0]) {
merged.push (next)
else if (prev[1] < next[1]) {
prev[1] = next[1]
merged.splice (merged.length-1, 1, prev)
return merged;
//#region readonly-range.js
// import { SynchronizedIntervals, excludeIntervals } from "./intervals.js"
// /**
// * @typedef {import ("./types").Interval} Interval
// * @typedef {import ("./types").ReadonlyInterval} ReadonlyInterval
// */
* @warnings
* For correct behavior, all models must have a single character at the end of the line.
* This can be set with `ITextModel.setEOL (monaco.editor.EndOfLineSequence.LF)`
class ReadonlyFeature
/** @param {monaco.editor.IStandaloneCodeEditor} editor */
constructor (editor)
this.editor = editor
this.intervals = SynchronizedIntervals (editor)
/** @type {monaco.IDisposable[]} */
disposables = []
enable ()
this.editor.onDidChangeCursorPosition (this.onCursor),
this.editor.onKeyDown (this.onKey),
this.editor.onMouseDown (this.onRectangleSelectionStart),
) ()
dispose ()
for (var d of this.disposables)
* @param {number} startLine
* @param {number} [startColumn]
* @param {number} [endLine]
* @param {number} [endColumn]
exclude (startLine, startColumn, endLine, endColumn)
if (arguments.length === 1)
this.intervals.exclude (startLine, 0, startLine, Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER)
//this.ranges.push (new monaco.Range (startLine, 0, startLine, Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER))
this.intervals.exclude (startLine, startColumn, endLine, endColumn)
//this.ranges.push (new monaco.Range (startLine, startColumn, endLine, endColumn))
* Linked to ICodeEditor.onDidChangeCursorPosition event.
onCursor = bind (this, function (/** @type {monaco.editor.ICursorPositionChangedEvent} */ event)
if (event.source === "api") return
console.log ("onCursor")
const newSelections = this.getApprovedSelections ()
if (newSelections.length !== 0)
this.editor.setSelections (newSelections)
console.log ("new selections", newSelections)
* Flag for `excludeIntervals`
* @type {-1|0|1}
prefer = 1
/** @type {-1|0|1} */
onRectangleSelectionStart = bind (this, function ({ event })
console.log ("onRectangleSelectionStart", event)
if (event.middleButton ) {
this.lastPrefer = this.prefer
this.prefer = 0
window.addEventListener ("pointerup", this.onRectangleSelectionStop)
onRectangleSelectionStop = bind (this, function ()
console.log ("onRectangleSelectionStop")
this.prefer = this.lastPrefer
window.removeEventListener ("pointerup", this.onRectangleSelectionStop)
* Linked to ICodeEditor.onKeyDown event.
onKey = bind (this, function (/** @type {monaco.IKeyboardEvent} */ event)
console.log ("onKey")
const key = event.keyCode
const KeyCode = monaco.KeyCode
if (event.altKey || (KeyCode.F1 <= key && key <= KeyCode.F19))
if (event.ctrlKey && key !== KeyCode.Backspace)
if (key === KeyCode.UpArrow ||
key === KeyCode.LeftArrow ||
key === KeyCode.Home ||
key === KeyCode.PageUp
this.prefer = -1
if (key === KeyCode.DownArrow ||
key === KeyCode.RightArrow ||
key === KeyCode.End ||
key === KeyCode.PageDown
this.prefer = 1
const selections = this.getSelections ()
const intervals = this.intervals.buffer
/** @type {(sel: Interval) => boolean} */ var match
if (key === KeyCode.Delete)
match = (/** @type {Interval} */ i) =>
i[0] === i[1] &&
intervals.find ((e) => i[1]+1 === e[0]) != null
else if (key === KeyCode.Backspace)
match = (/** @type {Interval} */ i) =>
i[0] === i[1] &&
intervals.find ((e) => e[1]+1 === i[0]) != null
if (selections.findIndex (match) !== -1)
event.stopPropagation ()
event.preventDefault ()
getApprovedSelections ()
const model = this.editor.getModel ()
const selections = this.getSelections ()
//.map (a => (console.log ("from", a), a))
.map (include => excludeIntervals (include, this.intervals.buffer, this.prefer)).flat()
//.map (a => (console.log ("approved", a), a))
.map (interval => {
var a = model.getPositionAt (interval[0]),
b = model.getPositionAt (interval[1])
return new monaco.Selection (
a.lineNumber, a.column, b.lineNumber, b.column
return selections
/** @returns {Interval[]} */
getSelections ()
const model = this.editor.getModel ()
return this.editor.getSelections ()
.map (sel => [
model.getOffsetAt ({ lineNumber: sel.selectionStartLineNumber, column: sel.selectionStartColumn }),
model.getOffsetAt ({ lineNumber: sel.positionLineNumber, column: sel.positionColumn })
/** @param {number} offset */
getOffsetAt = bind (this, function (offset)
var interval
for (var i = 0; i < this.intervals.length; i++)
interval = this.intervals[i]
if (offset <= interval[1]) {
return interval[0] - offset < offset - interval[1]
? interval[0]
: interval[1]
* @template {object} T
* @template {(this: T, ...args: any[]) => any} F
* @type {(target: T, func: F & ThisType <T>) => F & ThisType <T>}
function bind (target, func)
return func.bind (target)
var editor = monaco.editor.create(document.getElementById ("container"), {
value: [
" * ",
" * @param {...string} args",
" * @author your name",
" * @version 0.0.0",
" */",
"function main (...args) {",
" // type your code here",
].join ('\n'),
language: "javascript",
glyphMargin: true,
contextmenu: false
editor.getModel ().setEOL (monaco.editor.EndOfLineSequence.LF)
const readonlyFeature = new ReadonlyFeature (editor)
readonlyFeature.exclude (0, 0, 2, 3)
readonlyFeature.exclude (3, 0, 4, 11)
readonlyFeature.exclude (5, 0, 5, 12)
readonlyFeature.exclude (6, 0, 7, Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY)
readonlyFeature.exclude (9, 0, Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY)
readonlyFeature.enable ()
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while there are many flaws like one could use find and replace but you deserve hatsoff for your efforts

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