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Last active October 11, 2016 05:27
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Templates Tags in Django 1.9.x as tools for using variables
from django.utils.encoding import force_text
from django.template.base import TemplateSyntaxError
from django.template.library import Library, Node
register = Library()
def assign(value):
{% assign 'A value' as a_variable %}
{% assign another_variable as a_variable %}
return value
def modify(parser, token):
{% modify a_variable += a_value %}
{% modify a_variable += ' hello' %}
{% modify a_variable *= 2 %}
Available operators: += -= *= /= %= //= **= <<= >>= &= |=
parts = token.split_contents()
if len(parts) < 2:
raise TemplateSyntaxError("'modify' statements should have four words: %s" % token.contents)
var_name, op, value = parts[1:4]
value = parser.compile_filter(value)
class OpNode(Node):
child_nodelists = tuple()
def add(self, context): context[var_name] += value.resolve(context)
def sub(self, context): context[var_name] -= value.resolve(context)
def mul(self, context): context[var_name] *= value.resolve(context)
def div(self, context): context[var_name] /= value.resolve(context)
def mod(self, context): context[var_name] %= value.resolve(context)
def floordiv(self, context): context[var_name] //= value.resolve(context)
def pow(self, context): context[var_name] **= value.resolve(context)
def lhs(self, context): context[var_name] <<= value.resolve(context)
def rhs(self, context): context[var_name] >>= value.resolve(context)
def bin_and(self, context): context[var_name] &= value.resolve(context)
def bin_or(self, context): context[var_name] |= value.resolve(context)
def render(self, context):
'+=': self.add,
'-=': self.sub,
'*=': self.mul,
'/=': self.div,
'%=': self.mod,
'//=': self.floordiv,
'**=': self.pow,
'<<=': self.lhs,
'>>=': self.rhs,
'&=': self.bin_and,
'|=': self.bin_or,
return ''
return OpNode()
def operate(parser, token):
{% operate a + b - 1 %}
{% operate a * 2 as result %}
{% operate ( a + b ) /2 as the_average %}
{% operate s|stringformat:'%04d' + ' my-suffix' as string_operations %}
-> Expressions with python operators
-> Only one constraint: embed with spaces the variables and the sub-expressions with filters,
do not glue variables, operators, and string litterals
but operators and numbers litterals can be glued as that: ( v +4)
parts = token.split_contents()
target_var = None
if parts[-2] == 'as':
target_var = parts[-1]
parts = parts[:-2]
expression_parts = []
vars = dict()
for part in parts[1:]:
if (part[0] in '+-*/%~<>=()&|!0123456789"\'') or (part in ('and', 'or')):
var_name = 'v%d' % len(vars)
vars[var_name] = parser.compile_filter(part)
expression = ' '.join(expression_parts)
class ExprNode(Node):
child_nodelists = tuple()
def render(self, context):
res = eval(expression, { k: var.resolve(context) for k, var in vars.items() })
if target_var is None:
return force_text(res)
context[target_var] = res
return ''
return ExprNode()
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