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Created June 20, 2013 15:52
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# encoding: utf-8
module Axiom
class Attribute
# Represents a Boolean value in a relation tuple
class Boolean < Object
include Function::Connective::Conjunction::Methods,
# The Boolean primitive
# @example
# Boolean.primitive # => TrueClass
# @return [Class<TrueClass>]
# @api public
def self.primitive
# Test if the value is a boolean
# @example
# boolean.valid_value?(value) # => true or false
# @param [Object] value
# the value to test
# @return [Boolean]
# @api public
def valid_value?(value)
valid_or_optional?(value) { super || value.kind_of?(::FalseClass) }
end # class Boolean
# Add aliases for Boolean
TrueClass = Boolean
FalseClass = Boolean
end # class Attribute
end # module Axiom
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