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Created March 30, 2018 20:26
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WDS Blocks Default Block
* BLOCK: Default Block
* This block was meant to be duplicated.
* It serves as the starting point for new blocks. 😀
* External dependencies
import classnames from 'classnames'; // Import NPM libraries here.
* WordPress dependencies
const { __ } = wp.i18n;
const {
} = wp.blocks;
* Internal dependencies
import './style.scss';
// Import all of our Background Options requirements.
import BackgroundOptions, { BackgroundOptionsAttributes, BackgroundOptionsClasses, BackgroundOptionsInlineStyles, BackgroundOptionsVideoOutput } from '../../components/background-options';
// Import all of our Text Options requirements.
import TextOptions, { TextOptionsAttributes, TextOptionsInlineStyles } from '../../components/text-options';
// Import all of our Other Options requirements.
import OtherOptions, { OtherOptionsAttributes, OtherOptionsClasses } from '../../components/other-options';
* Register block
* @link
* @param {string} name Block name.
* @param {Object} settings Block settings.
* @return {?WPBlock} The block, if it has been successfully
* registered; otherwise `undefined`.
export default registerBlockType( 'wds/default', { // Namespaced with 'wds/', lowercase, hyphenated.
// Localize title using wp.i18n.__()
title: __( 'WDS Default Block: Duplicate Me' ),
// Description: Write a quick description.
description: __( 'Optional description.' ),
// Category options: common, formatting, layout, widgets, embed.
category: 'common',
// Can use a Dashicon (see or an imported SVG.
icon: 'sos',
// Limit to 3 keywords/phrases. Users will see your block when they search using these keywords.
keywords: [
__( 'Options' ),
__( 'Editable' ),
__( 'Multiline' ),
// Set for each piece of dynamic data used in your block.
attributes: {
message: {
type: 'array',
source: 'children',
selector: '.content-block',
// Determines what is displayed in the editor.
edit: props => {
// Event handler to update the value of the content when changed in editor.
const setMessageAttribute = value => {
props.setAttributes( { message: value } );
// Return the markup displayed in the editor, including a core Editable field.
return [
!! props.focus && (
<InspectorControls key="inspector">
{ BackgroundOptions( props ) }
{ TextOptions( props ) }
{ OtherOptions( props ) }
className={ classnames(
...BackgroundOptionsClasses( props ),
...OtherOptionsClasses( props ),
) }
style={ {
...BackgroundOptionsInlineStyles( props ),
...TextOptionsInlineStyles( props ),
} }
{ BackgroundOptionsVideoOutput( props ) }
<header className="content-block-header">
style={ {
color: props.attributes.textColor ? props.attributes.textColor : null,
} }
{ __( 'WDS Default Block' ) }
placeholder={ __( 'To customize this block, click on "Show Advanced Settings"' ) }
onChange={ setMessageAttribute }
value={ props.attributes.message }
focus={ props.focus }
onFocus={ props.setFocus }
// Determines what is displayed on the front-end.
// For dynamic blocks, you can return null here and define a render callback function in PHP.
save: props => {
return (
className={ classnames(
...BackgroundOptionsClasses( props ),
...OtherOptionsClasses( props ),
) }
style={ {
...BackgroundOptionsInlineStyles( props ),
...TextOptionsInlineStyles( props ),
} }
{ BackgroundOptionsVideoOutput( props ) }
<header className="content-block-header">
<h2>{ __( 'WDS Example Block with Options' ) }</h2>
<div className="content-block-content content-block">
{ props.attributes.message }
deprecated: [
attributes: {
message: {
type: 'array',
source: 'children',
selector: '.content-block',
save( props ) {
return (
className={ classnames(
...BackgroundOptionsClasses( props ),
...OtherOptionsClasses( props ),
) }
style={ {
...BackgroundOptionsInlineStyles( props ),
...TextOptionsInlineStyles( props ),
} }
{ BackgroundOptionsVideoOutput( props ) }
<header className="content-block-header">
<h2>{ __( 'WDS Example Block with Options' ) }</h2>
<div className="content-block-content content-block">
{ props.attributes.message }
} );
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