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Last active May 16, 2022 04:15
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/* An attempt at a direct translation of the `$` mechanism.
* In the book `lazy` can annotate the implementation of a method. The result of a `lazy` method is a
* suspension of the result type but the type is still the same. In pseudo code
* trait A { val someMethod: Int }
* class Impl extends A { def lazy someImplementation: Int }
* The result type in the interface is `Int` but the implementation's result is a suspension of
* type `Int`. I don't see a way to achieve in scala.
* EDIT: This translation is correct. I had misread the book's definition of the lazy annotaiton.
final class Lazy[+T](susp: => T) {
lazy val force: T = susp
object Lazy {
def unapply[T](lzy: Lazy[T]): Option[T] = Some(lzy.force)
given [T]: Conversion[T, Lazy[T]] = Lazy(_)
trait Streams {
type Stream[+T]
def append[T](s0: Stream[T], s1: Stream[T]): Stream[T]
def take[T](s: Stream[T], count: Int): Stream[T]
def drop[T](s: Stream[T], count: Int): Stream[T]
def toList[T](s: Stream[T]): List[T]
object Streams extends Streams {
sealed trait StreamCell[+T]
case object SNil extends StreamCell[Nothing]
case class SCons[T](head: T, rest: Stream[T]) extends StreamCell[T]
object SCons {
def apply[T](head: T, rest: => StreamCell[T]): StreamCell[T] = SCons(head, Lazy(rest))
type Stream[+T] = Lazy[StreamCell[T]]
/* In the book the pattern match is suspended. In this implementation there is no way I know to
* hide that suspension. Instead values are forced at different points than in the book. I don't
* know if that has an impact on the complexity.
def append[T](s0: Stream[T], s1: Stream[T]): Stream[T] = Lazy {
s0 match {
case Lazy(SNil) => s1.force
case Lazy(SCons(head, rest)) => SCons(head, append(rest, s1))
def take[T](s: Stream[T], count: Int): Stream[T] = Lazy {
count match {
case 0 => SNil
case n => s match {
case Lazy(SNil) => SNil
case Lazy(SCons(head, rest)) => SCons(head, take(rest, n - 1))
def drop[T](s: Stream[T], count: Int): Stream[T] = Lazy {
count match {
case 0 => s.force
case n => s match {
case Lazy(SNil) => SNil
case Lazy(SCons(_, rest)) => drop(rest, n - 1).force
def toList[T](s: Stream[T]): List[T] = s match {
case Lazy(SNil) => Nil
case Lazy(SCons(head, rest)) => head :: toList(rest)
def main: Unit = {
import Streams._
val s0: Stream[Int] = SCons(10, SCons(9, SNil))
val s1: Stream[Int] = SCons(5, SCons(4, SNil))
val s2: Stream[Int] = SCons(10, SCons(9, SCons(5, SCons(4, SNil))))
assert(toList(s2) == toList(append(s0, s1)))
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