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Last active November 6, 2022 22:43
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/* The goal is to replicate a rotating cable "tie".
* I have one for reference but I lost where I got the orignal from *shrug*
* units in mm.
height = 40;
gap = 0.25; // printing with a 0.6 mm nozzle. The original seems to be < 0.1
inner_radius= 13;
inner_contact_radius = 4;
multiplicity = 3; // number of teeth
angle = 60;
inner_height = height / (2 * multiplicity);
inset_at_inner_height = inner_height / tan(angle);
outer_radius = inner_radius + inner_contact_radius + inset_at_inner_height + gap + 4;
detent_radius = 1.8;
inner_grip_slots_sx = 3;
inner_grip_slots_sy = 8;
outer_grip_slots_sx = 1;
outer_grip_slots_sy = 10;
module inner_ring() {
function inner_x(i) =
let (t = (i % 2) == 0 ? 0 : inset_at_inner_height)
inner_radius + inner_contact_radius + t;
function inner_y(i) = i * inner_height;
inner_section_points =
[ [ inner_radius, 0 ],
each [ for (i = [0 : 2 *multiplicity]) [inner_x(i), inner_y(i)] ],
[ inner_radius, height ] ];
module full_inner_ring() {
rotate_extrude($fn = 80) {
module inner_grip_slots() {
sx = inner_grip_slots_sx;
sy = inner_grip_slots_sy;
for( r = [0 : 60 : 360] ) {
rotate(r, [0, 0, 1]) {
translate([inner_radius - sx, -sy/2, 0]) {
cube([sx, sy, height]);
difference() {
union() {
r = cos(45)*(inner_radius + inner_contact_radius)-0.8;
translate([-r, r, 0]) cylinder(h = height, r = detent_radius, $fn = 30);
translate([r, -r, 0]) cylinder(h = height, r = detent_radius, $fn = 30);
// sw (-x, -y) chunk if viewed from above
s = inner_radius + inner_contact_radius + inset_at_inner_height;
// huh.. I guess I could have rotated the profile 270 instead
translate([-s - 2, -s - 2, -1]) {
cube(size = [s + 2, s + 2, height + 2]);
module outer_ring() {
function outer_x(i) =
let (t = (i % 2) == 0 ? 0 : inset_at_inner_height)
inner_radius + inner_contact_radius + gap + t;
function outer_y(i) = i * inner_height;
outer_section_points =
[ each [ for (i = [0 : 2 * multiplicity]) [outer_x(i), outer_y(i)] ],
[ outer_radius, height ],
[ outer_radius, 0 ]
module full_outer_ring() {
rotate_extrude($fn = 80) {
module outer_grip_slots() {
sx = outer_grip_slots_sx;
sy = outer_grip_slots_sy;
for( r = [0 : 30 : 360] ) {
rotate(r, [0, 0, 1]) {
translate([outer_radius, 0, -1 ]) {
scale([1, 10, 1]) cylinder(h = height + 2, r = sx, $fn = 20);
difference() {
s = outer_radius;
translate([-1, -1, -1]) cube(size = [s + 2, s + 2, height + 2]);
// that is equivalent to the original model. Now for extras
r = cos(45)*(inner_radius + inner_contact_radius)-0.7;
translate([-r, r, -1]) cylinder(h = height+2, r = detent_radius, $fn = 30);
translate([r, -r, -1]) cylinder(h = height+2, r = detent_radius, $fn = 30);
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