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Created September 27, 2014 17:55
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Notes from RailsBridge NYC, 27 Sept 2014

RailsBridge Notes

Some notes from RailsBridge NYC, 27 Sept 2014.


"Convention over configuration" means... I don't need to teach Rails how to find the models, controllers, etc. or how to "route" or how to hit the database... etc. etc. etc.

on Objects

  • "class" is the definition of behavior for objects in our system
  • "instance" is a particular, singular copy of a class
  • "method" is how we can interact with our instances
  • we say, A "inherits from" B, in which case instances of A have the things that B defines (and more)

on MVC

M app/models
  - business logic here
  - database access/integration
  - e.g., Job

V app/views
  - display rules here (how do I represent a Job)

C app/controllers
  - given a request, what Models and Views should we use?

on Migrations

  • Migrations create/modify the database "schema" by specifying things like...
    • name of a column for a given table
    • type of a data in the column
    • timestamps (e.g., to track when things are created and updated)
  • some (of many column types:
    • integer
    • string
    • text (longer string)
    • datetime
    • ...

on Rails Helpers

on Rake

A tool for defining "tasks" in Ruby, that can do many many things. In the case of Rails, we have a bunch of "tasks" related to DB creation, listing routes, etc. etc.

Other Terms

  • "DRY" (don't repeat yourself)
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thehme commented Sep 28, 2014

Thank you Corey for explaining things so well.

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