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Created September 15, 2020 18:26
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Extending Gatsby GraphQL schema with interfaces to query shared fields across multiple similar types
const path = require("path")
const fs = require("fs")
// Extend GraphQL Types
exports.sourceNodes = ({ actions }) => {
const { createTypes } = actions
const typeDefs = fs.readFileSync(
path.resolve(__dirname, "schema.graphql"),
# Define a common interface for all content block types; specify
# any fields that you want to query on the union directly here
interface ContentBlock {
title: String
# Explicitly implement the interface for each content block type
type SanityHero implements ContentBlock {
title: String
type SanityCarousel implements ContentBlock {
title: String
# Define a union of all of your content block types
union ContentBlocks = SanityHero | SanityCarousel
# Set the field type to an array of your union in any cases where
# you want to be able to query your shared fields at the top level
type SanityPage implements Node {
content: [ContentBlocks]
import React from "react"
import { graphql } from "gatsby"
const Page = props => <pre>{JSON.stringify(props, null, 2)}</pre>
export default Page
export const query = graphql`
sanityPage {
content {
...on SanityHero {
fragment Blocks on ContentBlock {
# shared fields
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