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Last active June 11, 2020 05:05
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Secure Random String

Class usage

Just paste it to a project that supports kotlin language and write a package declaration on the top. Done.

Run from console

Requires kscript to run as a script:

sdk install kscript


kscript RandomStringScript.kts

Java UUID's are not secure enough. This class and script do a better job at generating secure random Strings.


Thanks for allow importing files in kotlin scripts:

Thanks to this Java RandomString implementation that served as a solid base to build on:

import java.util.*
class RandomString(
length: Int = 21,
val random: Random = SecureRandom(),
symbolsString: String = RandomString.alphanum
) {
val buf: CharArray
val symbols: CharArray
init {
buf = CharArray(length)
symbols = symbolsString.toSet().toCharArray()
if (length < 1 || symbolsString.length < 2)
throw IllegalArgumentException()
fun nextString(): String {
for (idx in 0 until buf.size)
buf[idx] = symbols[random.nextInt(symbols.size)]
return String(buf)
companion object RandomStringStatic {
val lower: String = upper.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT)
val digits: String = "0123456789"
val alphanum: String = upper + lower + digits
//INCLUDE RandomString.kt
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