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Last active December 19, 2019 15:17
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Flatten an Array!

Flatten an array.


You will need node js to run this array flattener.

How to run

Open your terminal/cmd and execute:

#!/usr/bin/env node
/* Returns a new array that is a flattened version of the param */
function flatten(array){
const accumulatorArray = []
return array.reduce(flattenReducer, accumulatorArray);
/* A recursive reducer that will push all the elements into the accumulator array */
function flattenReducer(array, e) {
const eIsAnArray = e != null && === 'Array';
if (eIsAnArray) {
e.reduce(flattenReducer, array);
} else {
return array
function testFlatten(array, expectedArrayString) {
console.log('try ' + JSON.stringify(array));
const newArray = JSON.stringify(flatten(array));
if (newArray !== expectedArrayString) {
throw Error('Expected ' + expectedArrayString + ' but recieved ' + newArray)
testFlatten([[[[[[[1]]]]]]], "[1]")
testFlatten([[[[[[[1]]]]]],2], "[1,2]")
testFlatten([[1,2],3,4,[[[[5],6,[7],[[8,9]]]]]], "[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]")
"name": "npx-flatten",
"version": "0.0.1",
"bin": "./index.js"
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