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Created February 2, 2012 06:42
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<td width="99">&nbsp; </td>
<td width="286"><b><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color="#003366" size="4">Scotch College Intranet Login</font></b></td>
<td width="99">&nbsp; </td>
<td align=left width="286"><IMG SRC="/ScotchLP/ImageStore.nsf/SchoolCrestsView/LoginCrest/$FILE/login.GIF"></td>
<td width="99">&nbsp; </td>
<td width="286"><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color="#003366" size="2"><br>
Please enter your Username and Password:</font></td>
<td align=right width="99"><b><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color="#003366" size="2">Username:</font></b></td>
<td align=left width="286">
<input name="Username" value="" style="width:140px">
<td align=right width="99"><b><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color="#003366" size="2">Password:</font></b></td>
<td align=left width="286">
<input name="Password" value="" type="password" style="width:140px">
<td width="99">&nbsp; </td>
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<table width="40%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" height="174">
<div align="center">
<font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color="#003366" size="2">Please call Scotch Support on 9810 4411 if you need assistance. </font>
<td height="38">
<div align="center">
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100% { top: -10px; left: -100px;}
.starMovement2 {
-moz-animation: starMovement2 4.5s linear 0s infinite;
-webkit-animation: starMovement2 4.5s linear 0s infinite;
@-moz-keyframes starMovement3 {
0% { top: 270px; left: 728px}
100% { top: 270px; left: -172px;}
@-webkit-keyframes starMovement3 {
0% { top: 270px; left: 728px}
100% { top: 270px; left: -172px;}
.starMovement3 {
-moz-animation: starMovement3 4.5s linear 0s infinite;
-webkit-animation: starMovement3 4.5s linear 0s infinite;
@-moz-keyframes starMovement4 {
0% { top: 160px; left: 2300px}
100% { top: 160px; left: -100px;}
@-webkit-keyframes starMovement4 {
0% { top: 160px; left: 2300px}
100% { top: 160px; left: -100px;}
.starMovement4 {
-moz-animation: starMovement4 12s linear 0s infinite;
-webkit-animation: starMovement4 12s linear 0s infinite;
@-moz-keyframes starMovement5 {
0% { top: 130px; left: 1100px}
100% { top: 130px; left: -100px;}
@-webkit-keyframes starMovement5 {
0% { top: 130px; left: 1100px}
100% { top: 130px; left: -100px;}
.starMovement5 {
-moz-animation: starMovement5 6s linear 0s infinite;
-webkit-animation: starMovement5 6s linear 0s infinite;
/* -- rest -- */
#nyanCat {
top: 100px;
#mainContainer {
border: solid #fff 3px;
#description {
position: absolute;
top: 350px;
CSS NYAN CAT was created by <a href="">Michal Budzynski</a> for <a href="">Mozilla Demo Party</a> in Helsinki on 18.06.2011.
<div id="mainContainer">
<div id="nyanCat">
<div id="wholeHead">
<div class="skin ear"></div>
<div class="skin ear rightEar"></div>
<div id="mainHead" class="skin">
<div class="eye"></div>
<div class="eye rightEye"></div>
<div class="nose"></div>
<div class="chick"></div>
<div class="chick rightChick"></div>
<div class="mouth">E</div>
<div id="toastBody">
&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;.&nbsp;&nbsp;.&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;..&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;.&nbsp;.&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp;..&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;.&nbsp;&nbsp;.
<div id="wholeTail">
<div class="tail skin"></div>
<div class="tail middleTail skin"></div>
<div class="tail backTail skin"></div>
<div id="allYourLegAreBelongToUs">
<div class="skin leg back leftBack"></div>
<div class="skin leg back"></div>
<div class="skin leg front leftFront"></div>
<div class="skin leg front"></div>
<div class="rainbow"></div>
<div class="rainbow r2"></div>
<div class="rainbow r3"></div>
<div class="rainbow r4"></div>
<div class="star starMovement1">
<div number="1"></div>
<div number="2"></div>
<div number="3"></div>
<div number="4"></div>
<div number="5"></div>
<div number="6"></div>
<div number="7"></div>
<div number="8"></div>
<div class="star starMovement2 backwards">
<div number="1"></div>
<div number="2"></div>
<div number="3"></div>
<div number="4"></div>
<div number="5"></div>
<div number="6"></div>
<div number="7"></div>
<div number="8"></div>
<div class="star starMovement3">
<div number="1"></div>
<div number="2"></div>
<div number="3"></div>
<div number="4"></div>
<div number="5"></div>
<div number="6"></div>
<div number="7"></div>
<div number="8"></div>
<div class="star starMovement4">
<div number="1"></div>
<div number="2"></div>
<div number="3"></div>
<div number="4"></div>
<div number="5"></div>
<div number="6"></div>
<div number="7"></div>
<div number="8"></div>
<div class="star starMovement5">
<div number="1"></div>
<div number="2"></div>
<div number="3"></div>
<div number="4"></div>
<div number="5"></div>
<div number="6"></div>
<div number="7"></div>
<div number="8"></div>
<div id="description">It contains 81 DOM elements, 688 lines of pure CSS and one JavaScript function for <br/>looping audio. My CSS fails CSSLint test and I'm really proud of this. <a href="">Fork me on GitHub</a>,<br/>and see you on <a href="">onGameStart, first HTML5 game conference ever</a>!</div>
<audio loop="loop" src="nyancat.ogg" autoplay="true">
document.getElementsByTagName('audio')[0].addEventListener('ended', function(){
this.currentTime = 0;
}, false);
<script type="text/javascript">
var _gaq = _gaq || [];
_gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-24051618-1']);
(function() {
var ga = document.createElement('script'); ga.type = 'text/javascript'; ga.async = true;
ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://ssl' : 'http://www') + '';
var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s);
</script></font> </font>
<td height="22">
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<input name="Quote" type="hidden" value="&quot;Fair warning, guys. A journey through winter wonderland tends to test your commitment to Christmas. So when I say test, I mean Wonka-style. I'm talking dark. My advice: Stay honest, stay alert, and for the love of God, stay between the gumdrops.&quot; - Abed Nadir">
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