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Wes Boss JS in 30 Code Alongs

04 Array Cardio Day 1

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <title>Array Cardio 💪</title>
  <p><em>Psst: have a look at the JavaScript Console</em> 💁</p>
    // Get your shorts on - this is an array workout!
    // ## Array Cardio Day 1

    // Some data we can work with

    const inventors = [
      { first: 'Albert', last: 'Einstein', year: 1879, passed: 1955 },
      { first: 'Isaac', last: 'Newton', year: 1643, passed: 1727 },
      { first: 'Galileo', last: 'Galilei', year: 1564, passed: 1642 },
      { first: 'Marie', last: 'Curie', year: 1867, passed: 1934 },
      { first: 'Johannes', last: 'Kepler', year: 1571, passed: 1630 },
      { first: 'Nicolaus', last: 'Copernicus', year: 1473, passed: 1543 },
      { first: 'Max', last: 'Planck', year: 1858, passed: 1947 },
      { first: 'Katherine', last: 'Blodgett', year: 1898, passed: 1979 },
      { first: 'Ada', last: 'Lovelace', year: 1815, passed: 1852 },
      { first: 'Sarah E.', last: 'Goode', year: 1855, passed: 1905 },
      { first: 'Lise', last: 'Meitner', year: 1878, passed: 1968 },
      { first: 'Hanna', last: 'Hammarström', year: 1829, passed: 1909 }

    const people = ['Beck, Glenn', 'Becker, Carl', 'Beckett, Samuel', 'Beddoes, Mick', 'Beecher, Henry', 'Beethoven, Ludwig', 'Begin, Menachem', 'Belloc, Hilaire', 'Bellow, Saul', 'Benchley, Robert', 'Benenson, Peter', 'Ben-Gurion, David', 'Benjamin, Walter', 'Benn, Tony', 'Bennington, Chester', 'Benson, Leana', 'Bent, Silas', 'Bentsen, Lloyd', 'Berger, Ric', 'Bergman, Ingmar', 'Berio, Luciano', 'Berle, Milton', 'Berlin, Irving', 'Berne, Eric', 'Bernhard, Sandra', 'Berra, Yogi', 'Berry, Halle', 'Berry, Wendell', 'Bethea, Erin', 'Bevan, Aneurin', 'Bevel, Ken', 'Biden, Joseph', 'Bierce, Ambrose', 'Biko, Steve', 'Billings, Josh', 'Biondo, Frank', 'Birrell, Augustine', 'Black, Elk', 'Blair, Robert', 'Blair, Tony', 'Blake, William'];

    // Array.prototype.filter()
    // 1. Filter the list of inventors for those who were born in the 1500's
    const fifteen = inventors.filter(inventor => (inventor.year >= 1500 && inventor.year <= 1600));

    // 2. Give us an array of the inventors' first and last names
    const fullNames = => inventor.first + ' ' + inventor.last);


    // Array.prototype.sort()
    // 3. Sort the inventors by birthdate, oldest to youngest
    var ordered = inventors.sort(function(a, b){
      if(a.year > b.year) {
        return 1;
      } else {
        return -1

    var ordered = inventors.sort((a, b) => a.year > b.year ? 1 : -1);


    // Array.prototype.reduce()
    // 4. How many years did all the inventors live?
    const totalYears = inventors.reduce((total, inventor) => {
      return total + (inventor.passed - inventor.year);
    }, 0)


    // 5. Sort the inventors by years lived
    var oldest = inventors.sort(function(a, b) {
      const lastGuy = a.passed - a.year;
      const nextGuy = b.passed - b.year;
      if(lastGuy > nextGuy) {
        return -1;
      } else {
        return 1;

    var oldest = inventors.sort(function(a, b) {
      const lastGuy = a.passed - a.year;
      const nextGuy = b.passed - b.year;
      return lastGuy > nextGuy ? -1 : 1;


    // 6. create a list of Boulevards in Paris that contain 'de' anywhere in the name
    // const category = document.querySelector('.mw-category');
    // const links = Array.from(category.querySelectorAll('a'));
    // const de = links
    //                 .map(link => link.textContent)
    //                 .filter(streetName => streetName.includes('de'));

    // 7. sort Exercise
    // Sort the people alphabetically by last name
    const alpha = people.sort(function(lastOne, nextOne) {
      const [aLast, aFirst] = lastOne.split(', ');
      const [bLast, bFirst] = nextOne.split(', ');
      return aLast > bLast ? 1 : -1;


    // 8. Reduce Exercise
    // Sum up the instances of each of these
    const data = ['car', 'car', 'truck', 'truck', 'bike', 'walk', 'car', 'van', 'bike', 'walk', 'car', 'van', 'car', 'truck' ];

    const transportation = data.reduce(function(obj, item) {
      if(!obj[item]) {
        obj[item] = 0;
      return obj;
    }, {})


07 Array Cardio Day 2

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <title>Array Cardio 💪💪</title>
  <p><em>Psst: have a look at the JavaScript Console</em> 💁</p>
    // ## Array Cardio Day 2

    const people = [
      { name: 'Wes', year: 1988 },
      { name: 'Kait', year: 1986 },
      { name: 'Irv', year: 1970 },
      { name: 'Lux', year: 2015 },

    const comments = [
      { text: 'Love this!', id: 523423 },
      { text: 'Super good', id: 823423 },
      { text: 'You are the best', id: 2039842 },
      { text: 'Ramen is my fav food ever', id: 123523 },
      { text: 'Nice Nice Nice!', id: 542328 }

    // Some and Every Checks
    // Array.prototype.some() // is at least one person 19?
    // const isAdult = people.some(function(person) {
    //   const currentYear = (new Date()).getFullYear();
    //   if(currentYear - person.year >= 19) {
    //     return true;
    //   }
    // });

    const isAdult = people.some(person => ((new Date()).getFullYear()) - person.year >= 19);

    // Array.prototype.every() // is everyone 19?

    const allAdults = people.every(person => ((new Date()).getFullYear()) - person.year >= 19);

    // Array.prototype.find()
    // Find is like filter, but instead returns just the one you are looking for
    // find the comment with the ID of 823423

    const comment = comments.find(comment => === 823423);


    // Array.prototype.findIndex()
    // Find the comment with this ID
    // delete the comment with the ID of 823423
    const index = comments.findIndex(comment => === 823423);

    // comments.splice(index, 1);

    const newComments = [
      ...comments.slice(0, index),
      ...comments.slice(index + 1)


Objects and Arrays

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <title>JS Reference VS Copy</title>

    // start with strings, numbers and booleans
    let age = 100;
    let age2 = age;
    console.log(age, age2);
    age = 200;
    console.log(age, age2);

    let name = 'Wes';
    let name2 = name;
    console.log(name, name2);
    name = 'wesley';
    console.log(name, name2);

    // Let's say we have an array
    const players = ['Wes', 'Sarah', 'Ryan', 'Poppy'];

    // and we want to make a copy of it.
    const team = players;

    console.log(players, team);
    // You might think we can just do something like this:
    // team[3] = 'Lux';

    // however what happens when we update that array?

    // now here is the problem!

    // oh no - we have edited the original array too!

    // Why? It's because that is an array reference, not an array copy. They both point to the same array!

    // So, how do we fix this? We take a copy instead!
    const team2 = players.slice();

    // one day

    // or create a new array and concat the old one in
    const team3 = [].concat(players);

    // or use the new ES6 Spread
    const team4 = [...players];
    team4[3] = 'heeee hawww';

    const team5 = Array.from(players);

    // now when we update it, the original one isn't changed

    // The same thing goes for objects, let's say we have a person object

    // with Objects
    const person = {
      name: 'Wes Bos',
      age: 80

    // and think we make a copy:
    // const captain = person;
    // captain.number = 99;

    // how do we take a copy instead?
    const cap2 = Object.assign({}, person, { number: 99, age: 12 });

    // We will hopefully soon see the object ...spread
    // const cap3 = {...person};

    // Things to note - this is only 1 level deep - both for Arrays and Objects. lodash has a cloneDeep method, but you should think twice before using it.

    const wes = {
      name: 'Wes',
      age: 100,
      social: {
        twitter: '@wesbos',
        facebook: 'wesbos.developer'


    const dev = Object.assign({}, wes);

    const dev2 = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(wes));



Tally String Times with Reduce


  const timeNodes = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('[data-time]'));

  const seconds = timeNodes
    .map(node => node.dataset.time)
    .map(timeCode => {
      const [mins, secs] = timeCode.split(':').map(parseFloat);
      return (mins * 60) + secs;
    .reduce((total, vidSeconds) => total + vidSeconds);

    let secondsLeft = seconds;
    const hours = Math.floor(secondsLeft / 3600);
    secondsLeft = secondsLeft % 3600;

    const mins = Math.floor(secondsLeft / 60);
    secondsLeft = secondsLeft % 60;

    console.log(hours, mins, secondsLeft);

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